Example sentences of "[pron] [noun pl] of [noun pl] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 These two sequences are connected by the ‘ genetic code ’ , which is in effect a listing of which groups of bases specify which amino acids .
2 This chapter has been concerned with outlining the principal methods by which suppliers of products bring their goods and services to the attention of their markets , with the object of increasing their sales or market share , or both .
3 Whose clouds of angels blaze his star into a sun .
4 For example if I 'm looking at O-level history , ‘ What sorts of things do you think might be important , or what kinds of evidence do you think I ought to collect , or what issues do you think I ought to take into account ? ’ ’
5 What sorts of factors constrain me to do so ?
6 These views rest on different assumptions about the power and ideologies of trade union officials and the aim of this research is to try to establish how powerful are local trade union officials in their relations with shop stewards , and what sorts of ideologies inform their behaviour in these relationships .
7 Therapist : ‘ What sorts of stresses have you been under recently ?
8 It appears that policemen and women the world over have similar views about their job and agree on what aspects of police work they like and dislike .
9 What kinds of documents do you photocopy in the sales office ? ’
10 What kinds of things do you do during the day ?
11 So again you 've got to come up with your main heading what kinds of words do you think you 've got to have in your main heading ?
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