Example sentences of "[pron] [noun pl] [subord] it [was/were] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It is July 1994 and the company has taken a relaxed attitude to preparation of its accounts since it was set up in 1991 .
2 It was an attempt to cultivate an attitude of mind that recognised that this intelligence — however glorious — had its limitations when it was confronted with the ineffable and ultimate reality .
3 Her methods of acquisition ranged from chance discoveries and bargain purchases in shops to point-blank admiration of other people 's possessions , which found some owners parting with their treasures as gifts , while others hid their bibelots when it was known that a visit from the Queen was imminent .
4 The Court of Appeal , however , ruled that every newspaper which had notice of the original injunction against " The Guardian " was under an obligation to comply with its terms until it was discharged .
5 She tossed her head defiantly , and just for a moment saw a flicker of something in his eyes before it was gone so fast that she knew she must have imagined it .
6 I left him to his problems because it was coming up to the time when Emil had said the crew should board the train , and I was due back in the coffee shop .
7 And at the bottom of a deep open pit , up whose ramped sides labour belching trucks , he vividly describes how sea water percolated down through the space above our heads when it was occupied by still-hot lava and how , laden with dissolved sulphide minerals , this heated fluid gushed back to the surface , struck cold sea water and deposited its minerals .
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