Example sentences of "[pron] [noun pl] [subord] [pron] [verb] [verb] " in BNC.

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31 We may speculate that GPs may become less willing to maintain the very elderly on their lists when they have to provide care within a specified cash-limited budget .
32 The garages shut up and helped people to restart their cars after they had stalled through a flood .
33 Many hard working people have lost their homes because they have lost their jobs or because their businesses have gone bust .
34 Sure Style acted after a rash of complaints about salesmen terrorising potential customers , refusing to leave their homes until they had agreed to buy double glazing .
35 He helped her into her coat ; again , his arm lay on her shoulders after he had done so .
36 She rushed up and threw her arms around her in a totally uncharacteristic gesture of affection , and felt all the stress of Piers Morrison lift from her shoulders as they began chatting animatedly about everything under the sun , catching up on old news .
37 She gripped his hand as tightly as she could , feeling a terrific wrench on her shoulders as he tried to haul her in , steadying himself against the door to ensure that he did n't end up suffering the same fate as his companion .
38 whether the girl standing on the opposite side of the crossroads , with her face hidden by the long dark hair falling over her shoulders as she waits to cross the road , head turned to watch the oncoming traffic , will look straight ahead so that he can see her face : and if so , whether it will fulfil his hopes ; and whether the fulfilment of his hopes would in itself be a kind of disappointment .
39 Lord Wilberforce examined the interests which an insurance-broking business might have in preventing an employee canvassing its clients once he had left .
40 But of course , had Alexander 's argument and Lewis 's interpretation of it been irrefutable , had it been the kind of thing which compelled religious certainty , then all the philosophers in Oxford would have fallen to their knees when they had finished reading it .
41 Some experienced speakers ask a friend to stand against the back wall and signal with hands facing forward by their ears if you need to speak louder , and with hands horizontal if you should speak more softly .
42 And when she had helped Carole to put Emma and Sophie to bed she had n't been able to prevent tears coming to her eyes while she had listened to them solemnly saying their prayers .
43 Her small crushed handkerchief was quite inadequate to contain the huge tears that welled from her eyes after she had heard of the death of Signor Fixit .
44 Because the blinkers had finally fallen from her eyes when he had asked her if it could be worse .
45 Julia laid her head back but did not shut her eyes until he had left the room .
46 Perhaps it was her soft , drawling voice or the fact that , no matter how interesting the topic of your conversation , you would inevitably see her smothering amiable yawns as you talked ; you would see the muscles of her jaw tighten and the tears start from her eyes as she tried to repress them .
47 Pursing her lips thoughtfully , she half closed her eyes as she tried to visualise how it might look .
48 She had tears in her eyes as she tried to recover from the laughter .
49 Tears filled her eyes as she described seeing him looking down on her .
50 Maura was more like her brothers than she cared to think about .
51 The more weak-willed of the defenders very often spent more time watching the native princes eating their banquets than they did watching the enemy lines .
52 Drink up : Euro Disney has begun to serve alcohol for the first time at four of its restaurants as it seeks to stem heavy losses from weak attendance .
53 It rustled round her ears as it had done before she went into mourning .
54 The next logical step was to present the bream with a small hook and bait which would be more likely to be right inside their lips when they began to carry it off , but to still retain the heaviness so that they could not manage it with a mere suck .
55 Nobody in court can see them , but everyone hears their voices when they come to testify .
56 The creations are totally different and have some dissimilar effects but both creations have not been controlled by their creators so they have had disastrous consequences .
57 When Lou got in the car , the bulky jacket that she wore over her washed denim skirt got in the way of her seat belt and her movements as she struggled to fasten the buckle were jerky and nervous .
58 sending their mail to erm Body Shop er , they 'd been grooming their nails because they 've heard that the Body shops , in the paper the other day erm are paying ten pounds per nail if your nail 's an inch long , you know , so you cut this talon off if it 's an inch long and they had loads and loads of them sent in envelopes or people just ringing up and asking can we send our nail , ten pound a nail and they said , where the rumour started from these people had heard that because they do n't do erm experiments on animals any more they 're using nails to do experiments , the nail polish and that
59 The family , he maintains , has not so much lost its functions as it has become more specialized in its functions .
60 When interviewing them I tried to locate turning points in their lives when they had changed their perceptions of themselves as workers and union members .
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