Example sentences of "[pron] [noun pl] [vb past] [conj] [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 At Torridon my fingers froze as I attempted to sketch Ben Alligin .
2 I had nothing to do but paddle , and my fingers blistered as we canoed around Laguna Grande while the Australian , crouched in the bow with his bazooka lens , shook his head and tutted at each audible paddle stroke .
3 My worries melted as I looked at her .
4 My lips quivered as I entered the small , plastic roadsweeper 's hut which now acted as the home team 's changing room .
5 ‘ I lost toe nails , and my legs felt like they had been welded together — but at least I 'm still breathing , ’ said 40-year-old Arthur .
6 I fought it open and my feet crunched as I went through .
7 This went on for 13 months until my parents realised that I needed medical attention .
8 my parents took as they went quietly
9 ‘ Now I know how my grandparents felt when they heard that Derek was to hang from journalists at their door . ’
10 My responsibilities vanished but I think they suspected that if I were sacked there would be a public fuss so they had to proceed by stealth .
11 What my pals wanted and I put that on to the pitch .
12 I do n't know what view of these events my uncles took as we woke them early and followed them around as faithfully as any spaniel — maybe that was why they often nipped off to the pub in the evenings .
13 The noise of their hooves boomed as they came closer .
14 Her fingers shook as they traced the familiar outline of chest and shoulders , strong back , flat stomach .
15 She looked down at the front fastenings , then her fingers shook as they fumbled to button the jacket correctly .
16 She drew a breath as he offered her the platter of bread , and her fingers shook as she lifted a slice from among the pile .
17 Reluctantly she got up and her teeth chattered as she took a dressing gown from a hook behind the bedroom door .
18 Her teeth chattered as she managed to produce a small smile .
19 Her shoulders drooped and she turned her face away , staring at the floor , hardly able to listen when fitzAlan continued speaking .
20 Her lips twitched as she imagined a black cloud , bearing his face , hovering over her head .
21 Her eyes crinkled when she talked about the residents , and Juliet decided she liked her .
22 Her eyes gleamed when she talked about fighting humans .
23 He smiled at the fancifulness of the thought , then caught his breath , seeing how her eyes flashed as she laughed at something her cousin had whispered in her ear .
24 Then her eyes flashed as she recognized him .
25 Once again the abrupt change of subject unfocused her mind for several seconds , but then her eyes flashed as she guessed what lay behind the question .
26 Breeze was so hot already that she could n't blush any more , but her eyes flashed as she faced the witch , and shook her head .
27 Her eyes dilated as she arched away .
28 A woman , a fair lady , who would listen to him and be moved by him , moved so much that her eyes glittered before she turned her head away in gentle acknowledgement of his sincerity and his dignity .
29 Her eyes glittered as she saw the bottle .
30 Her eyes swam and she put out a hand as if to ward off the blows .
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