Example sentences of "[pron] [noun pl] [conj] she [vb past] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 I could n't believe my ears but she repeated it : I realized I had not properly understood my own needs .
2 Extract 2 oh listen I wanted to tell you one of the girls in my supply class we 'll hoover when we come back wo n't we she said to me she looked at my shoes and she said you 've got flashy shoes or something I said I got them in Spain she said Miss are you Spanish I thought it was really funny
3 She gripped my arms as she hugged me , as if to reassure herself I was n't going to disappear .
4 One day I rang Charing Cross for my results and she said my levels were elevated .
5 She watched their reactions as she told them of his suggestion , and saw from Joanna 's face that she was very disturbed .
6 Then the flames licked at her fingers and she dropped what was left of True Love at her high-heeled feet .
7 In the kitchen , as she heard the sound of the car driving away , she slumped on to a stool , her long hair spilling over her fingers as she dropped her head into her hands with a heavy groan .
8 Hunting through her case for some lightweight shoes , and wondering if she could get away without having to wear any stockings , she gritted her teeth as she heard her name being called from the other room .
9 She gritted her teeth as she watched him swing the flexible whip between her legs .
10 Mr Hobbs gave her back her teeth and she shot me a desperate little smile .
11 ‘ Are you afraid to say something ? ’ she pursued recklessly , her blonde hair swinging across her shoulders as she raised her face to stare up at him .
12 Victoria 's glossy black hair swung wildly about her shoulders as she stamped her feet in front of the mirror .
13 His fingers slipped between her thighs as she parted them as eagerly as a girl whose lover had returned from the wars .
14 Acco John Moynihan , she sailed through Soho like a Queen , hailing her friends in a voice assumed for the public ear , her rude , unabashed outbursts lifting ‘ waiters off their heels as she mocked her party or destroyed an admirer with a sidelong glance ’ .
15 Rachel sat there in the back of the Mercedes , unable to give him the stinging retort on her lips because she knew he would do what he promised , and she had a profound fear that the minute he made love to her fully the feelings she was desperately trying to suppress would keel over and completely overwhelm her , leaving her not just vulnerable but absolutely devastated by the reality of what they were .
16 To her chagrin he skied straight over to her as soon as she reached the field , and a faint , self-mocking grin touched her lips as she surveyed his outfit close at hand .
17 Instead she sipped her coffee slowly , a small smile on her lips as she saw his expectation of the scene he was sure she would make slowly die .
18 Fran brought her thoughts back to the moment , forcing a slight , polite smile to her lips as she flicked him a quick sideways glance .
19 Shannon pulled the door open , her arms flung wide apart in exuberant welcome , but the broad smile froze on her lips as she found herself confronted by a tall , masculine figure .
20 Berries trembled against her lips and she licked them , swallowed .
21 His tongue teased at her lips until she opened them helplessly , allowing him to deepen the kiss , his tongue stroking hers in an act of burning sexuality that had her sagging against him .
22 For a moment he refused to meet her eyes but she said his name .
23 Ben looked into her eyes and she lowered them and turned her head away .
24 Tears of pride stung her eyes and she brushed them away with an impatient hand .
25 Tears of self-pity escaped from her eyes and she brushed them away angrily .
26 Her hair was in her eyes and she brushed it away impatiently .
27 The tears jumped into her eyes and she bent her head , hugging her arms to her breasts .
28 The bright April sun was full in her eyes and she shaded them with one hand .
29 What most humiliating was the odd glint that showed in her eyes as she studied me .
30 She , too , could be elusive , though she could not quite disguise the smile in her eyes as she said it .
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