Example sentences of "[pron] [noun pl] [conj] i [vb base] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It 's only because it might hamper my investigations that I do n't invite you to tell Dysart about his wife 's in fidelity tomorrow .
2 It 's presenting to my superiors that I find really scary .
3 She has go to bad that I worry about my fingers when I carry out water changes .
4 ‘ Can my brothers and I go now , please ? ’
5 I 've learnt my lines but I have n't really .
6 To Timothy his dear dad great mercy and peace to you from God the father and Christ Jesus our Lord I give thanks to the God of my forefathers who I worship with a clear conscience when I mention you in my prayers as I do constantly night and day .
7 Thank you for all your contributions over the last year , and please accept my apologies if I have n't been able to use an article that you 've sent , hopefully the next issue will contain those for which due to lack of space I was unable to include this time .
8 For the rest of the year , for 358 days , I expect my mind to achieve autonomy over my problems and I plod on while life with a capital L proceeds independently of me .
9 I 've got my glasses but I have n't got the .
10 I never can remember my dreams if I do n't write them down .
11 Warnock , under fire after a 6-0 blasting by Millwall , said : ‘ Millwall was a body blow but I 've told my players that I 've always been a fighter .
12 ( 'Would you look after my children while I go out and enjoy myself ? ’ 'Would you take on extra work because I am tired ? ' )
13 Paul from Tamworth says er I 'm a single man looking after my children and I do n't get a penny from my ex-wife .
14 What I do with my roses when I go out is I get a lot of please from looking , looking
15 My colleagues and I do not believe that the British people will be fooled a second time — one can take a horse to water but one can not make it drink .
16 My colleagues and I spend far more time discussing world development than we do national ones , as indeed we should , since nearly eighty per cent of our business occurs in the rest of the world .
17 My colleagues and I spend much time doing that .
18 My colleagues and I look forward to discussing with you ways in which together we can help your organisation fulfil that role during the decade ahead .
19 My colleagues and I look forward to seeing you at the meeting .
20 I think the committee has already indicated its views but I do n't think that is its views where they may not have entirely coincided with a particular District Health Authority are really part of a dialogue towards consensus rather than any fundamental difference put it that way .
21 That 's because I understand her needs and I do n't make demands .
22 He says local people put forward put forward very striongly their viewpoints but I do n't think the inspector upheld their views .
23 It could be , or I 'm just wondering if it 's actually squirrels , because although the , the excreta contains berries erm a squirrel will eat berries , it will also eat nuts and of course they do bury their nuts and I 've actually seen squirrels in other parts of the country digging holes and starting a bit of a larder and of course there are a lot of , of erm squirrels in Croydon so I think unless you actually see the animal you can only speculate that it is something small like a vole or , or a squirrel .
24 On the day he left , Gould wrote to Captain Washington at the Royal Geographical Society , announcing proudly , ‘ I shall have many novelties to add to science as well as to communicate a great deal respecting their habits since I have already obtained the nests and eggs of 60 species not one of which as far as I am aware have been described . ’
25 And then we 're going to do a new Dow text and a new Scotch-Roman for their headlines and I 've always wanted to do that .
26 The frown was back between his eyes as I put on the light in my room .
27 I never met his eyes and I do n't think he noticed me much , but we were all , Emil , Oliver , Cathy and I , becoming slowly and inevitably more recognizable to the passengers .
28 I have listened to many of his speeches and I have never heard him advocate that before .
29 He 's older than his years and I do n't know how much longer he can last . ’
30 You know he 's entitled to his holidays but I do n't want to sit
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