Example sentences of "[pron] [noun pl] [conj] [noun pl] at [art] " in BNC.

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1 I did not wipe the offending word off the blackboard , but as I was packing up my books and papers at the end of the class , a girl got up and without a word erased it , to a scattering of applause .
2 He seems to have known enough about ordinary medicine — and perhaps still have had the contacts within the profession — to make sure that I got my inoculations and injections at the correct times in my life , despite my official non-existence as far as the National Health Service is concerned .
3 They 'd left their aches and pains at the door and were smiling into each other 's eyes .
4 Groups of Danakil watered their camels and cattle at the overflow .
5 While old ladies continue to brandish their handbags and umbrellas at the likes of Giant Haystacks in leisure centres and town halls , the arrival of WWF in national consciousness means they are outnumbered at ringside by the Nintendo generation .
6 2 There exists considerable evidence that clients are not able to articulate all their needs and expectations at the system specification stage .
7 In the meanwhile there was the continuing day-to-day ministry to exercise , as young people 's sergeant major in the corps , and in her studies and friendships at the university .
8 In 1555 , it was punishable only ‘ according to the quality of the fault in their bodies and goods at the Queen 's Grace 's pleasure ’ — that is , there was now an element of doubt expressed about the exaction of the extreme penalty .
9 Pensioner Hilda Lynes , 78 , suffered burns to her shins and feet at the privately owned Haddon Nursing Home in Birkenhead , Merseyside .
10 Cheers ! ( left ) and say farewell to their friends and workmates at the Bury St. Edmunds maltings .
11 " If you treated them better , they would n't be mutilating their hands and feet at the rate they are , to escape your clutches . "
12 Baldersdale was far too remote for any of the gentry to be interested in building a country residence there All the more accessible dales had their halls , manors and castles , but the high moors sweeping up to 1,500 feet above the valley of Baldersdale was the habitat of a creature which every aristocrat , and many wealthy merchants and other nouveau riche with aristocratic pretensions pursued , then and now , with fanatical zeal — Lagopus scoticus , feathered-footed member of the Tetraonidae family , otherwise known as the red grouse For the locals it meant an extra cash crop during the days following the Glorious Twelfth — the shillings and sovereigns tossed , somewhat disdainfully , at them for providing a back-up service , such as beating the heather to alarm the birds into the air and towards the buckshot , or placing their horses and wagons at the disposal of their lordships so that ammunition , lunch and the essential bottles of whisky could be transported to the guns and the day 's bag of slain birds brought safely to the all-important count .
13 The street was full of goldsmiths and silversmiths and their assistants and apprentices at the time : Messrs. Cook , Ive , Sarl , Hyams and others all appear in the commercial directories for that year , along with the tobacconists , Fribourg and Treyer , whose shop in Haymarket has persisted almost as an anachronism into the 1980s .
14 Croquet clubs nationwide opened their doors and lawns at the weekend to put over the message that it is a sport for all .
15 He turned away , making his way across to the great hallway of the hospital , his guards and retainers at a respectful distance .
16 ‘ wilfully and indecently ’ 'Wilfully' can be proved from the accused 's own admission or from his comments or actions at the time of the offence .
17 Williams doubts whether he was really influenced by his teachers or contemporaries at the Slade .
18 A revitalised electricity industry is crucial to the supply of power to our factories and businesses at the cheapest possible price .
19 Did you go with you know your friends and comrades at the time ?
20 Previously , if you wanted a dress for example , you 'd buy your cloth at the drapers , you 'd buy your bits and pieces at the haberdashers , erm you 'd go to the milliners and the glovers and all those different sorts of shops .
21 Twenty-two women , eight washbasins , two toilets , it 's just impossible ; twenty minutes to do all that and bunk your bed as well , and if you 're sleeping in a bunk in a crowded room you 're falling over each other trying to fold your sheets and blankets at the same time .
22 Can you recall your thoughts and feelings at the time ?
23 Our mentors and brothers at the Subud enclave encouraged us to focus only on the inner world , and to avoid exploring the dangerous but tempting " illusory " world of " Maya " outside .
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