Example sentences of "[pron] [noun pl] [pron] [vb -s] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Party loyalty is by no means an irrelevant factor in explaining and predicting the behaviour of congressmen , but on any issue that they perceive to be contentious within their districts nobody expects a member of Congress to put party before district .
2 There may be someone who 's a bit unsteady on her feet who has a passion for old time dancing .
3 With no high level of education they lay claim instead to ‘ experience ’ — an intimate familiarity with the way things have been done in the past — and ‘ common sense ’ — a rich fund of practical knowledge about the job and its problems which inculcates a sense of the reasonable .
4 Because of the slimness of their bodies it means a shoal of bream , particularly when resting between feeding times , can pack quite tightly together and become a much smaller target than they would present if rotundly shaped .
5 He spoke of his incentive to art as being that of ‘ exhilarated despair ’ and from nearly all of his paintings there emerges a scream as chilling as that which Munch so memorably depicted 99 years ago .
6 In his hands he holds a snuff box , shaped like a small quiver , and a thin stick .
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