Example sentences of "[pron] [unc] [noun] [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Well , I 'll have to er , send you a copy of my er invitation to renew from the
2 After all in my , you know my er people working on the rails book ?
3 It was usually something quite silly and trivial , like leaving the taps running in the bath huts or over-stuffing the dustbins so that mess and litter was spread all over the ground , but sometimes someone 's carelessness resulted in the whole inadequate drainage system being completely overloaded and clogged up .
4 With my erm instrument playing at the background .
5 I think that B eight was not upper most in the department 's mind when it was making its er views known about a major exceptions policy .
6 There 's er there 's er somebody 's alarm ringing across the road .
7 it 's pissing with rain I do n't wan na go into somebody 's house dripping like a , never mind looking at the bikes into the cars !
8 ‘ Much more needs to be done if the UK is to meet its CO2 emissions target by the year 2000 and control them beyond that date .
9 Which movie made her NAME:John A Dance With A Stranger B Passport to Pimlico C Secret Ceremony ?
10 In unstimulated cells , PLC- γ 1 is largely cytosolic but translocates to the membrane as its SH2 domain binds to the activated receptor ( Box 2 ) .
11 IBM Corp is to license a version of its CICS/6000 CICS overlay for the Encina transaction processing monitor to Hewlett-Packard Co , which says it will offer it on its HP9000 Precision Architecture RISC-based Unix machines — but conversion of the IBM product will not be a simple task — it wo n't be ready to ship until the second half of 1993 .
12 Everyone 's eyes turn to the other so await its reappearance .
13 So long as these descriptions are more or less correct they should be praised , and everyone 's attention drawn to the most unusual ones .
14 By and large , those who approved of conscription when it came did so because they believed that it was everyone 's duty to serve in the armed forces in any case .
15 Additionally there would have been a Wardrobe Mistress to arrange costuming , and a Make-up Lady to ensure no-one 's nose gleamed under the studio lights .
16 One Christian contributor writes of this , ‘ It produces a rapid expansion of one 's ability to act from a deeper level of consciousness .
17 Effort is the source of good things , if only one can get one 's efforts recognized by the dominant person in the situation .
18 One could either leave the sliding door open and see the world go by down the corridor , or close oneself into a private cocoon ; and at night , one 's bed descended from the ceiling and on to the seat of the facilities which effectively put them out of use .
19 the right to have one 's contribution regarded on an equal basis with others ' .
20 A preoccupation common to all the papers in the book springs directly from the difficulties involved in reassessing how the ‘ facts ’ of one 's experience correspond to the descriptions of them offered by others .
21 At other times , he would sit back in a thoughtful , philosophical mood and ask Bob whether he felt one ought to have one 's name printed at the head of one 's private writing-paper .
22 One 's grant disappeared into a bottomless sea of cigarettes and beer with hardly enough left over for the books we were meant to read .
23 It 's amazing how one 's sailing improves over the holiday .
24 Tilney always managed to make the business of cleaning one 's teeth sound like an electric drill demolishing part of the Barbican , while Wattling 's idea of washing his face was to chuck his flannel at it and spatter water all over the bathroom .
25 It was bad enough to have to produce a mother who smelled of hens , worse to have all one 's guests disconcerted by the beady eyes of an old countrywoman .
26 It is a text which explores the pain and grief caused by having one 's desires destroyed by the pressures of social convention and it is this set of emotions which has sustained its reputation in gay subcultures .
27 It is true enough that one could not start one 's language learning from the laws of physics and logic ; much is needed before we can even begin to understand these .
28 Changing a magazine in mid-air was a major act of skill and daring , which involved climbing half out of the cockpit while flying the plane with one 's knees clamped on the joystick ; all the time with the enemy possibly circling for the kill .
29 Where , when just getting to one 's knees loomed as an unavoidable torture and to lie and wait to be rescued appeared to be merely common sense ?
30 To have one 's hand fixed by an elastic band to the telephone receiver was the norm as it encouraged continuity of business — if it was n't used too frequently .
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