Example sentences of "[pron] [modal v] have [vb pp] your [noun sg] " in BNC.

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31 MAURICE : ( sighing ) : I thought you might have changed your mind about publishing the letters .
32 You 'd have enjoyed your birthday even less if you 'd actually read it . ’
33 ‘ But Ellen , ’ said Bernard , ‘ if you 'd only stuck it another month , you 'd have got your degree and we could have begun to live quite comfortably . ’
34 If he had n't a done that you 'd have had your washer and everything still .
35 You 'd have earned your money if you were paid any . ’
36 ‘ It 's a good job you did n't try to sleep in these , you 'd have caught your death of cold . ’
37 If you 'd have brought your scale down a bit you would
38 You could have fired your drug at Marnya , Deems , and it would not have harmed her .
39 Always analyse how you could have improved your approach and landing and why you did not manage to touch down nearer to the spot .
40 She stopped , then said fiercely , ‘ If you 're thinking she would have treated your father like that you 're quite wrong . ’
41 ‘ So , you know of no one from that time who would have wished your husband dead ? ’
42 Because you would have received your pay and benefits net of tax if you had worked , your damages must take tax into account .
43 ‘ If you had turned round , you would have seen your fate indelibly written on the faces of the people behind you .
44 ‘ If you had turned round , you would have seen your fate indelibly written on the faces of the people behind you .
45 When you had recovered substantial damages against the hawker , you would have instructed your attorney to sue in the ecclesiastical courts for a divorce a mensa et toro .
46 When was the last time you would have sold your soul for a stick of celery ?
47 So that 's within six hours you would have worked your way through more than half of your compliment of armed officers ?
48 If you did n't like them , you would have used your power to change them .
49 You will have lived your lifetime and finally died having experienced nothing more traumatic than the normal ups and downs that any individual has to encounter .
50 By the time you write the conclusion you will have reached your destination .
51 But here , luckily , you will be spared the difficulty that can arise through not having " seen " that murder since in all probability you will have begun your story by describing , in as much vivid and convincing detail as you can manage , the killing itself or its immediate circumstances as they affect the perpetrator .
52 If you are low in stamina you will have lost your ability to get through the day without becoming over-tired .
53 Not only will you feel a sense of achievement but you will have re-educated your way of eating and the way you think about yourself .
54 If you try to press petals from a rose that is still closed , the petals nearest the centre will be so tightly curled that they wo n't press into a good shape , and you will have wasted your rose .
55 By the end of the year , when you will have established your platform and built some security for yourself , you will be free to enjoy the fruits of life .
56 You will have educated your stomach — and your taste buds — to appreciate a whole spectrum of foods rich in low-fat protein , fibre and complex carbohydrates .
57 Maybe by then you will have changed your mind about things . ’
58 Incidentally , you will have shown your ability to accept a brief on either side , or even to be promoted to the Bench .
59 We 'd have got your mother back out of that place . ’
60 If they need some quick cash they may have sold your father to another group as a long-term investment . ’
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