Example sentences of "[pron] [modal v] not be [verb] from " in BNC.

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1 The point is that if I could not be distinguished from others in some way , then the utterance ‘ It 's me ’ would be useless .
2 The topmost foliage is taller than me and the growth is so dense I can not be seen from the lawn as I dig into the muddy trench which forms an oasis round the stem .
3 ‘ In a matter such as this , the reasoning which led them to their opinion is a vital piece of information which should not be withheld from the House of Commons .
4 Deinomenid policy at Syracuse had been successful in creating wealth and with it a prosperous agricultural class , which could not be excluded from office forever .
5 It was an experience which could not be divorced from the notion of scrounging .
6 Parents had , inevitably in a Direct Grant school , always been closely involved since they were , numerically , the biggest source of income for new building projects , which could not be financed from fees ; but the only formal organization had been the Ladies ' Committee , in whose capable hands the Autumn Fairs and Scandinavian Evenings had prospered over the years .
7 Others had rhymed messages , lines of verse which could not be read from a moving car .
8 This is a welcome development as the alternative would be for EHO 's to create their own code which would not be written from the funeral director/embalmer point of view .
9 For instance , the words ‘ inshore fishing is n't an easy life ’ might add something which can not be gathered from the pictures alone .
10 On waters which can not be baited from a boat , and where swims are too distant to be fed by catapult , the use of a swimfeeder to distribute loose feed around the hookbait is often a deadly method .
11 where there is a demonstrable need for a certain grade of coal which can not be met from deep mines , and
12 The ‘ milder day ’ remains a puzzle which can not be solved from within the poem .
13 Unfortunately , there is sometimes resistance among staff on inpatient units to admitting patients who may not be suffering from psychiatric illness , but who for a brief period of time need to hand over responsibility for their well-being to the inpatient clinical team .
14 A case has been made for brief admission of patients who may not be suffering from psychiatric disorders , but who are in a state of particularly severe crisis .
15 You must not be excluded from the process of pastoral planning and decision making ’ .
16 Your holiday prices in the low season do reflect this and we feel sure that you will not be prevented from enjoying your holiday .
17 Your personal experience of relationships and interaction with others can be enhanced and built upon in a constructive way , thus helping to inspire both personal confidence and a learning environment where you will not be inhibited from admitting to a lack of knowledge or understanding .
18 I hope , too , that you will not be deterred from participating in our campaign against custodial violence ( including rape ) in India .
19 The most basic criticism of this common liberal method is generally to be found in the view that humans are social beings who can not be abstracted from a particular social and historical context in the manner that such theories propose .
20 Provided everybody else pays , the factory will cut back and you can not be prevented from getting the benefits .
21 The rest of Europe will now construct the social institutions of Europe with Britain excluded — but we shall not be excluded from being influenced by what they do in the short term .
22 Should the unthinkable occur , a bottom three position , it should be remembered that we can not be relegated from the Third Division .
23 If the Prime Minister is convinced that we can not be excluded from the single currency , he can not afford not to sign the treaty .
24 Of course we can not be excluded from progress within the Community .
25 One can not be distanced from or emotionally neutral about issues of self-knowledge .
26 Both are disqualified because the bones of their skulls are so different from those of the first fossil amphibians that the one can not be derived from the other .
27 Client will ensure that all information relating to itself comprised in announcements , public statements , the Offer document and any other documents during KPMG 's engagement hereunder issued by or with the consent or knowledge of Client will be true and accurate in all material respects and will not be misleading , and that all expressions of opinion , intention and expectation therein will be honestly held and will be made only after due consideration and that there will not be omitted from any such document any fact the omission of which would make any statement therein false or misleading ;
28 So long as I hold the office of Home Secretary , I shall give no countenance to the view that they should not be prevented from being such a danger . ’
29 They have come to the conclusion that , from the point of view of the welfare of the children , it is more important to the children that they should not be separated from each other than that either child should go to one of the grandmothers .
30 It is possible for example that time-gap experiences simply reflect events which were so banal that they could not be distinguished from other memories for similar previous driving .
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