Example sentences of "[pron] [modal v] say that the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I must say that the standard of high jumping is very good this year .
2 I must say that the way the discussion has gone this morning , is n I would say , slightly disappointing because there is some attempt to make a positive contribution , but at the moment it 's not necessarily pointing us quite in the direction which we would hope to go .
3 Wittgenstein pointed out that no account is satisfactory that assumes that a human somehow surveys the alternatives and chooses one : ‘ It is as if I should say that the application of a word does not pass in one moment in front of my eye ’ ( 1964 : 15 ) .
4 Lili frowned , and I wondered what would happen if I should say that the wedding was cancelled .
5 Being a bit hard up for anything new to tell you in this section I 'll say that the weight of the guitar is medium/light and , true to form , it balances perfectly whether you choose to sit or stand while playing .
6 Except er I , I mean I 'd say that the income funds actually performed quite well , if you did n't look at the capital value .
7 The the particular point that that I wish to pick up on though was from M Mr Curtis and his reference to erm the draft P P G thirteen , and whilst I 'd say that the point of the H B F that it 's only a draft publication at this stage , there 's in my view been too mu much over reliance on the reference in there to self containment , you see if we look at that particular paragraph , two point one two , it actually says avoid the development of small new settlements which are not to , sorry , I 'll start that again , avoid the development of small new settlements which are not be likely to be well served by public transport , or which will not be largely self contained .
8 Nora and I used to say that the war did them all a power of good .
9 I work for Team Sport Scotland and part of my reignement is erm coordinator for women and girl 's football and I find that with the equal opportunities policies of many of the education regions now that more football is being played in primary and in secondary school and the district councils I go to visit I would say that the majority of them are definitely wanting to put money into promoting girl 's and women 's football .
10 Er I mean , I I would say that the majority of people in this office , carry a lot of erm anxiety and pressure home with them .
11 I would say that the child is capable — more or less — of recognizing that other people have mental states different to his own .
12 But I would say that the way to look at this site is to ask whether it is part of the built area , in other words whether it is built on , or whether it is not part of the built area , in other words it is not built on .
13 In conclusion I would say that the book itself is good and the style is brilliant , as you are able to see things so well through the eyes of Finn .
14 Er I would say that the impact of the development if it goes ahead must be limited at that distance .
15 About those two things I would say that the number of houses requiring demolition is very small , and as has been observed already , a road is not an inappropriate use in the greenbelt .
16 In English terms I would say that the property that Russell left is worth about ninety to a hundred thousand pounds .
17 Erm I would differ er , with that opinion because I would say that the comment as a joint comment would erm have to deal with the general skills and abilities
18 So , I would say that the design , the actual literal design , the graphics part of the projects I work on , is twenty percent of the work and the rest is all trying to explain and get it understood .
19 Nevertheless having said that , er I would say that the County Council 's moved as far as it believes it possibly can do to meeting some of the requests of the the district in providing what we consider a generous , and what other people might consider a overly generous allocation of land .
20 Comparing the show scene with that in Barbados , I would say that the fact that there was an established breed club that held its own breed show with specialist judges made all the difference , Barbadian entries being quite small in comparison to the Jamaican ones .
21 Looking at it selfishly , I can say that the happiness of the family now depends on you , for it is in you that the family is renewed and starts again .
22 I think I 'd like to start by making a few general points , er and then er it will be a matter for for others to be somewhat more specific , I I I think I can say that the issue of a new settlement of a new settlement in Greater York is is a fairly unique situation , because we have agreement between the development industry and the County Council , and that 's something of a rarity , but also we have mild support from the Department of the Environment , and as Mr Davis has already said , that is backed by public support .
23 Having worked on interview panels with the now defunct ILEA I can say that the object has not been to block the drama school selection so much as to see that the grant is well justified .
24 And you might say that the word has not been mounted on there .
25 You might say that the thought uppermost in my mind was this : Joe Bodenland , you have escaped the twenty-first century !
26 I suppose you could say that the occasion went with a bang .
27 You could say that the engine is wonderful but the chassis is a bit rusty . ’
28 Er in a sense you could say that the leader becomes the conscience of the , of the group .
29 For example , a hearer might derive a range of implicatures about athletes and races , in which case you could say that the use of sprint conjures up an impression of athleticism not suggested by run .
30 But the best you can say that the jury there was some information that be in the master bedroom you do n't know where .
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