Example sentences of "[pron] [modal v] [vb infin] [interj] i [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 Oh I 'll take no I 'll keep that .
2 And I 'd say no I could n't wake you , I would n't wake him .
3 I 'd say yeah I would .
4 Well I can tell Oh I can tell them wh In fact I would be prepared to do that .
5 Tablets control epilepsy very , very well now and you can go for probably years without an epileptic fit , then all of a sudden erm somebody will think oh I 'll try leaving off my medication and of course they have a fit .
6 Right now you may understand those you may think Oh I ca n't really get the hang of this .
7 When you 're doing your annual burn out when you 're burning all the weeds and you might think oh I 'll get rid of this .
8 Certainly when we get settled in after Christmas that should be and I 'll shall say about six rolls but I 'll shall say six rolls and just the every time I get one roll of wallpaper up and you you 'll think oh I 'll do the rest tomorrow just a bit more , then you get one more looks alright there , the other wall and er , I 'm sat , I 've been up all night doing this shall do one more then I 'll go a bed , I get from the wife bloody hell mother what time did you go to bed , about an hour ago , could n't leave it wallpaper .
9 you can wait because er it 'd , it 'd be time , she 'll have eaten up and then she 'll say ooh I 'll have another round I have n't had any
10 Well yes you , you , you 've got two , one is you 've got erm the rural poor who will provide a labour force in the countryside for rich peasants and you 've , because you have got a labour market and because there are no limits on mobility , then presumably there will be some poor peasants who will decide no I 'll get out , I 'll industry 's going to get going , I will be able to earn more money in a town , or sons would go off and , and so , so there should be , you should provide a , have a supply of labour , whereas if you 've got everybody , if everybody had been in middle peasant status erm there would have been no incentive to do that because everybody would have been self sufficient within the countryside .
11 well if you can just put me mind at rest now and if they 'd say no I would n't worry so much then
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