Example sentences of "[pron] [modal v] [vb infin] [adv] [noun sg] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 And I , I keep going down and I 'll turn it down , and then I 'll go out room and he turns it back up again .
2 Well , at that point we 've got to three o'clock and the end of the term , erm I 'll take up Totem and Taboo , and its more forward lis looking aspects in the first lecture of er , next term , and I wish you all a happy Christmas , and new year , and hope you have a good , a good vacation and look forward to seeing you here again , the first Thursday of next term .
3 I am no farmer , or perhaps I could understand how wheat and potatoes can be grown at the same time in Ireland .
4 And in his yellow eyes I could see only hate and evil .
5 internal bleeding , right so the internal bleeding sometimes shows itself externally , for example if I had damage to my lungs or severe damage to the inside of my lungs I 'd cough up blood and that 's in , what do you think ?
6 I reckoned I 'd come back midday and have a look over everything , but I do n't think there 'll be anything missing .
7 But so do many of the opposition groups here , entertaining a touching if economically illiterate faith in a third way which would involve neither reunification nor a return to capitalism .
8 However poor , a child who passed the hurdle of the special place examination would get an education which would open up university or further training and , if not that , a white-collar , clean , respectable job — and in many cases an allowance to help with his or her maintenance .
9 The Government 's detailed spending plans will be included in the first ‘ unified ’ budget next November , which will include both revenue and outgoings .
10 This override may even enable you to make full picture fades ; alternatively , you may have the facility of a separate fade button which will fade both picture and sound simultaneously .
11 They told her she must give up Christianity and deny , not only God and all the saints , but her father , her mother , and all her friends .
12 She must pluck up courage and tell him .
13 And she were on her about and sailors and what have you and I thought , aye , I 'll know where you 'll end up lady and she has .
14 Or perhaps she 'll get up market and that .
15 She could visualise only dimness and silence , and Hywel in a state of wrathful wonder at finding that alien woman , his wife , in his mother 's house .
16 One bedroom was ready as a classroom , desks and typewriters had been installed , and Miss Aitchison , who could teach both shorthand and typing and had diplomas to prove it , had been hired .
17 If they give you one length and an angle then you 'd use either sine or cos or tan to find the other one .
18 If you make sure the butt points at the target in the initial stages , and the tip follows through in a straight line , you will acquire both distance and accuracy after only a short period of practice .
19 Leaving aside for the moment differences in personal qualities and skills , which may or may not vary with the curriculum , it would seem that graduates who can offer both expertise and ability are in the strongest employment position , those who offer either one or the other may also find a job niche , but that those who offer neither are worst off .
20 No book or course of lectures can substitute for experience , but as you learn the vernacular and gain confidence in your practical ability , you can derive both inspiration and a sense of direction through reading the works of wise men .
21 Limited liability is such a useful asset to the person in business that one may wonder why partnership and sole trading still flourish .
22 Er now if you broke a window , this was the sort o how we used to get into trouble we should play maybe football or rounders or cricket or something and we 'd break somebody 's window .
23 But outbreaks of Bovine TB have doubled in Gloucestershire and some surrounding counties over the last 3 years and some vets say we must throw aside sentimentality and act now BEFORE the problem reaches epidemic proportions .
24 The best season for an eastwards voyage was already past , though it was just possible that we might run far north and cross in the high latitudes where , even in summer , we could expect fog , rain and cold .
25 We could see neither station nor buildings .
26 ‘ If we simply sit back and do nothing , we could lose both mother and baby .
27 And the keynote speaker at the Republican Convention , Thomas Kean , Governor of New Jersey , apparently felt it necessary to assert that ‘ we will search out bigotry and racism — we will drag it into the sunshine of understanding and make it wither and die ’ .
28 ‘ This will mean we can carry out maintenance and restoration of diesels under cover ’ .
29 Without departing from the fundamental laws of the selfish gene , we can see how cooperation and mutual assistance can flourish even in a basically selfish world .
30 In 1466 a Bohemian visitor to England commented : … the peasants dig ditches round their fields and meadows and so fence them in that no one can pass on foot or on horseback except by the main roads ' ( 25 , p.53 ) .
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