Example sentences of "[pron] [modal v] [vb infin] [prep] [noun prp] ['s] " in BNC.

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1 I must choose between Dana 's love and my own identity as a person and as a poet .
2 No , I 'm gon na go upstairs in a minute , I might go into Rupert 's room
3 Yes , take her — I 'll check with Hawick 's office that it 's all right if you come mob-handed , but I 've a feeling in my water about this one .
4 I 'll go to Pepe 's with Carlos .
5 I 'll go round Sainsbury 's on the way back . ’
6 Yes you can go onto Mark 's , I 'll come to Mark 's
7 I I 'll read from Hugh 's notes if you do n't mind .
8 I 'd thank them and I 'd be home in five minutes and I could sit in Peter 's room looking at his stuff and chatting with him .
9 And then afterwards Isobel and I could go to Sainsbury 's that 's the whole idea .
10 ‘ Have you anything I could use in Saturday 's edition ? ’
11 However , after studying as many photographs as I could find of Randy 's original , it would appear that this was the way he wanted things and I would n't dare criticise him for it .
12 ‘ I brought what I could find of Rory 's stuff . ’
13 I could jump on Ronald 's back , ’ she says , demonstrating , ‘ and be like a fly on his shirt . ’
14 Perhaps if I could deal with Mr 's point first though cos I 'll just refer you I think to paragraph three point two , three year accident record there , fifty five injuries , seventy one casualties , many of them taking place on the distributor road network .
15 midnight , physically tired but spiritually exalted , I found myself quoting what I could recall of Keats ' sonnet , a new planet had swum into my ken .
16 Just as I 'd expect of Maurice 's sister . ’
17 Maybe I 'd drop by Michael 's place and see how my Phazer was coming along .
18 I 'd go into Fortnum 's and try on a sable coat just so I would n't die before I 'd worn one .
19 But I knew that somewhere down the line there would be some formal identification or an inquest where , with my luck , I 'd run across Billy 's mum and the cat would be out of the bag , to coin a very sick phrase .
20 How could I do that after what I 'd read in Billy 's bedroom ?
21 I thought I 'd read in Debrett 's Etiquette that the latter form was still correct and that Mrs Joan Smith denoted a divorcée .
22 ‘ She thanked me for my courtesy and prophesied that one day I would play against Europe 's greatest prince in a game of hazard , and win .
23 This is all I shall relate about Charlotte 's circumstances in order to protect her anonymity , but suffice it to say , I decided to play along with her idea of aromatherapy being simply a pleasant way to relax — indeed , you do not need to be ill to enjoy the benefits of aromatherapy massage .
24 I can tell from Lil 's face , she ca n't decide whether to be diabolically proud of her achievements , or mortally ashamed .
25 I should say from what I can sense of MacArthur 's feelings that he would continue to fill his role here as long as his health permitted him to do so .
26 ‘ But there is nothing intrinsically wrong with Diana 's chart , whereas I can look at Charles 's chart and say I think there is something that prevents him from making the throne .
27 I can read between Perdita 's lies .
28 Well I can drive to Shaun 's then go Darren 's , then leave the van there and then pick , drive us back home again , but I wo n't have enough to go backwards and forwards , backwards and forwards all the bloody time , it 's nearly on zippo
29 Someone laughs , but I can see from Peter 's face that he ai n't making a joke .
30 The dedication contains the somewhat bitter generalization that ‘ the policie of times may hold it unfit to raise men humbled with adversities to titles of dearnesse ’ , which could apply to Cavendish 's own situation at the end of Elizabeth 's reign .
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