Example sentences of "[pron] [modal v] [be] [conj] [pron] [is] " in BNC.

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1 There are two solutions — either one refuses to conduct policy-oriented research in order to preserve one 's academic purity or one undertakes the research and risks the consequences which may be that one is over-identified with those who commissioned the research or those investigated .
2 I 've got enough just to manage , but things are n't what they should be and it 's not what we were used to in the old days . ’
3 They should be cos it 's a straight line equation .
4 ‘ The only reason so many clubs have signed him must be because he 's a good motivator .
5 It may be that what is important is not so much ‘ strategic choice ’ within national patterns of organization normalization but the patterns themselves , the way they differ from one another and form more or less coherent , nationally contingent entities .
6 It may be that someone is more likely to commit an anti-social act when under stress .
7 I accept that erm and of course he 's dealing with it , approaching it from the basis that that factual issue is one she 's resolved in favour of the plaintiff erm it may be that there 's very little issue between us , it may be that the defendant would concede if your Lordship were to find that er the plaintiff had been asking Mr on several occasions to get him out of the contract , it may be conceded , I know not .
8 It may be that there is literally nothing they can say about it in the terms they are accustomed to using .
9 It may be that there is no God — every theist should be able to say that .
10 It is not unusual to be in this position , and it may be that there is an accepted procedure to follow in the eventuality of employers making you an offer .
11 It may be that there is a clue to this in something else that happened at Limoges .
12 It may be that there is something to be said for this composite view .
13 I am told that there are some very well coloured philander being sold at present , so it may be that there is a mistake in identity here .
14 But it may be that there is a lesson here for the West as well .
15 It may be that there is now enough information available to answer questions that were asked a long time ago but never answered .
16 For example , it may be that there is no theoretical reason whatsoever why the variables and should affect consumption except through their influence on Y t .
17 It may be that there is no actual overflowing , but rather a strong smell of drains — particularly by the front gate .
18 Having said that , it has been suggested that the extent of the duty to use best endeavours depends upon the facts in each case and , pursuant to IBM United Kingdom Ltd v Rockware Glass Ltd [ 1980 ] FSR 335 , it may be that there is little practical difference between a covenant to use best endeavours , a covenant to use reasonable endeavours and a covenant to take all reasonable steps .
19 It may be that there is some delay after completion , which makes it impossible for the buyer 's conveyancers to lodge their transfer within the period of priority .
20 It may be that there is a special rule for reservation of title clauses : this is examined below ( Chapter 10 ) but subject to that possible exception , once a contract has been made , its terms can only be altered or supplemented by a variation , and such variation will only be effective if it is supported by consideration .
21 It may be that it 's time to look again , even though this new rule has been enforced for only these elections , at this particular method of positive discrimination .
22 If you get a correlation between two variables it may be because one causes the other , or directly influences it , or it may be that it 's just cha it 's just a chance fluctuation and the two have occurred together , or it may be a combination of the two .
23 However , it has also been suggested that since there is a dominance hierarchy among the females and only the subordinates do badly , it may be that it is only younger females that fare worse in big harems than they would if they were monogamous .
24 It may be that it is those least disposed to commit suicide who join the cult in the first place , but at least the systematic comparison of variables has led to the question being raised .
25 It may be that the state of affairs in which everyone ( as opposed to just some people ) is guided by such a maxim is an impossibility , or it may be that it is in some way a thing that no individual can wish for .
26 It may be that it is a price which none of us will pay .
27 In reality , it may be but it is a weapon available to both parties to an action to force production of information which is not being produced voluntarily , or with sufficient speed .
28 I was just going to say , I think what you say on full employment , erm , elsewhere they 're keeping wages and pay up is n't it , erm , and I 've known a couple in Telford again , that there 's work there , a new company it 's perfectly easy to take on all the good skilled labour they want , then they say they feel they 're very guilty because they 're poaching it from across the road , the British company has probably been two wages so that the jobs , it does mount up , so I do n't , I , I would like to know more about erm , what the low pay unit would really do to help us , and I look at this eight thousand two hundred and eighty pounds , and I think that would go an awful long way in the Mr Chairman , in helping to keep that going , which creates all the people who leave and get jobs , and good jobs , and get skills , and erm , I , I , it may be if there 's going to be a big budget , eight thousand pounds is not very much , but I , but when you think an individual project like that of course , any sort of traineeship , it 's a lot of money .
29 If there is little or no improvement on the Step 2 diet , then it may be because there is a general yeast sensitivity , due to candidiasis ( see p 184 ) .
30 as if I had to ask why it should be that there is n't any fun any more .
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