Example sentences of "[pron] [modal v] [adv] [be] [noun sg] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 But afterwards he felt depressed , and a bit ill , and there was a nagging pain in his chest which could either be indigestion or the start of a heart attack .
2 I mean , we ca n't be Fontainebleau or Versailles !
3 There may also be trade and industry targets .
4 Moreover , there may well be reluctance or bad feeling when the operative or gang is obliged to undertake work without bonus .
5 Firstly there may not be time or it may not be physically possible to suddenly introduce a high level operator , for example we can not put a different pilot on the flight deck when an aircraft gets into trouble .
6 There must therefore be discussion and compromise in order to achieve an overall optimum result .
7 There must always be feedback and explanation to the person and their carer and referrer , with a clear means for the user to challenge decisions if they are not satisfied .
8 It may be simpler for utilitarianism to neglect or ignore the demands of justice and equity , but that is no argument for maintaining that there should not be justice and equity .
9 The visitor would understandably back off quickly and there would either be pandemonium or an utter , stunned silence .
10 Without a knowledge of good and evil , for example , there would only be ignorance and destruction .
11 ‘ Afterwards , there would only be dislike and resentment , because you do n't care for my feelings at all .
12 ‘ So , if you punish yourself through self-denial in the puritan way , in the English Christian way , there will only be resentment and more unhappiness . ’
13 There will of course always be critics and there will always be oohs and ahs , there will always be shit and there will always be vomit .
14 There will always be food and fun for all . ’
15 In other words , there will always be diesel and petrol , however much the proponents of each fuel push their own products .
16 It is an acknowledgement that there can not be certainty but that there are only a limited number of possible event-patterns .
17 Mr Sommerville said : ‘ It may well be drink and drugs were involved and each aggravated the other .
18 He may sometimes be consultant and analyst ; sometimes investigator and policeman ; but he must also be negotiator and judge ; inspector , educator , and public relations representative .
19 He may sometimes be consultant and analyst ; sometimes investigator and policeman ; but he must also be negotiator and judge ; inspector , educator , and public relations representative .
20 It might even be arsenic and he would be dead in ten seconds flat .
21 And we 're looking for two couples , er it need n't be husband and wife particularly , although it 'll be er very nice if it is , but it can be mother and daughter , father and son , any combination you like really .
22 It would n't be beer and a hand of solo then , but dinner parties and bridge games with their wives in cocktail gowns and real jewellery .
23 And then you 'd come back later and have a a sort of tea , but it would still be bread and jam , you know what I mean .
24 It would still be touch and go for the agency .
25 It can only be obtuseness or a refusal to believe that can still lead the Opposition to make that claim .
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