Example sentences of "[pron] [be] also [verb] [pos pn] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 However , in case my assumption is incorrect I am also informing your department .
2 And I 'm also subbing my lodger Paul .
3 The total energy flow through a sphere at a distance r from the source is the total energy output of the source , which is also called its luminosity L. In Appendix F it is shown that where is the reduced quadrupole moment of the source with ρ being the density in a volume element .
4 For a party with that record now to deride as unreal , and even denounce as illegitimate , opponents who are also re-examining their past suggests the presence of a certain myopia .
5 you 're not only hurting me and my present wife and my two children , you are also hurting my ex-wife and my son .
6 She was also clutching his knee and he was swinging her up on his foot at every step and she was screaming and laughing .
7 Oh , it was good food , Sally-Anne thought gratefully , tucking into it , beginning to enjoy herself now that her ordeal was over , and was happy to sit there with Dr Neil who was also enjoying his supper , by his expression .
8 Warehouse worker Neil Tattersall was facing a miserable Yuletide after he split up with his girlfriend , who was also expecting his baby .
9 We are also doing our utmost to provide the modern facilities our crews deserve . ’
10 This issue is currently at the centre of pedagogical discussions about language , since many teaching methods rest on the assumption that when children talk or write , they are also developing their ability to think .
11 They 're also continuing their campaign against the use of mineral oil in cosmetics , claiming that not only is it the most animal tested cosmetic ingredient , but there are also fears it may be carcinogenic .
12 They were also exercising their right in keeping with the loyalty with which they were born , as they were helping to rebuild a security station .
13 For those who 've faced redundancy , it 's also restoring their pride in a job well done .
14 But it 's also proved its worth in peacetime .
15 It is also extending its fleet maintenance division and now has two service centres , one in Coventry and the other recently opened in Leamington .
16 But it is also acquiring its partner 's stakes in an industrial development in Surrey , and a housing development in Ilford , Essex .
17 He is also replacing his receiver and turning to gaze thoughtfully out of the window .
18 He was also cursing his luck at being caught out in the open , when three figures stepped forward into the moonlight and stopped facing him across the intervening space .
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