Example sentences of "[pron] [be] that [pron] [vb base] n't " in BNC.

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1 What Steve is saying r recommending to you is that we do n't take up that purchase this year , which is in our budget .
2 And er with that in mind , it 's possible that people do want to top up their income , because the one thing I will stress to you is that you do n't want to have to start having to back-pedal er when you retire .
3 ‘ The reason the police have n't come to question you is that I have n't told them about my suspicions . ’
4 Another thing Jean you can get the boys today is to clear their drawers out if there 's that they do n't would you bring the plate down if there 's clothes
5 Mostly it 's that they do n't travel well , whatever flightcases you use .
6 It 's that I do n't want it .
7 ‘ The mystery of the coming of a new creature is a great mystery ad incomprehensible , Mrs Virginsky , and what a pity it is that you do n't understand it . '
8 And the worst of it is that you do n't even see those people you knock over as you charge along . ’
9 Well the problem as I see it is that you do n't know what the variety of this peach is , if it was bought out of greenhouse variety and is reasonably tender then I do n't think whatever you do with it in Preston it 's going to make any difference .
10 SALESPERSON : Could you tell me exactly what it is that you do n't like the look of ?
11 You built a little plan , that if I leave at ten past eight , I miss that traffic , or I , whatever it is that you do n't often plan till the holidays , but after a while it stopped being a decision making process .
12 The Air Force will write to his mother if there 's anything to tell , and the awful part of it is that I do n't know where she lives .
13 ‘ If I have learned anything , ’ she says , ‘ it is that I do n't believe in justice any more . ’
14 ‘ The one thing that worries me is that I do n't think he cares .
15 The importance of liking yourself is that you do n't need the approval of other people — you do n't m-ed other people to tell you that you are a good person , a caring mum , an intelligent member of staff , a considerate daughter , etc .
16 The difference between us is that I do n't like this boxing business — and he still loves it , even now .
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