Example sentences of "[pron] [be] still [verb] [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 I 'm still learning to be a musician , there is masses for me to learn .
2 I 'm still going to be .
3 I 'm still going to be tough though .
4 I thought I was doing what I , and I alone , wanted to do , but my pursuit of academic superiority shows that I was still striving to be the person my parents wanted me to be .
5 On the one hand , as far as the criminal law was concerned , they removed one set of controls entirely , whilst on the other hand , a new and sometimes increased set of controls was introduced to deal with those forms of homosexual conduct which were still considered to be ‘ public ’ and criminal .
6 Even if you have not lived together for several years , from a national insurance point of view you are still considered to be married .
7 What , you 're still going to are you ?
8 And even if you 're not contemplating any of those things , as I 've said you 're still going to be faced with decisions about goods that you want to buy and services that you want to buy for your home .
9 Yeah but the only thing you 're really doing is , is taking away this nominal erm exploitive relationship , you 're still gon na be exploiting the of existing
10 To retain existing , then you 're still gon na be paying the business on and you 're still gon na be able to look after er
11 To retain existing , then you 're still gon na be paying the business on and you 're still gon na be able to look after er
12 And even if you lose two and a half stone , you 're still not gon na look like , you know , some skinny model because you 're still gon na be about six foot wide with your hips and your shoulders , but I mean , you 're just gon na have gangly longer legs and walk around like this .
13 ‘ Well , exactly — ’ she hrumphed some more — ‘ I said she was still going to be in Maidstone for a few days though we were thinking of moving her to a private hospital .
14 But what we realized was that even if we hit his estimates we were still gon na be worse off .
15 Our landlady , a Mrs Brown , seemed pleasant and reasonable , and we were still contented to be in Bedford , although we had discovered that there was one disadvantage — the Americans .
16 Although Microsoft Corp is currently gorging itself on Intel Corp iAPX-86 platforms with its Windows desktop environment — and Windows NT will follow — there are still expected to be some rich pickings left over for the gaggle of hopefuls which are working on desktop Unix implementations for the architecture , which will soon include the new P5 80586 iteration when it arrives .
17 There 's still gon na be the ha , there 's still always gon na be the hassle .
18 and you might , you might but there 's still gon na be erm be certain divisions in the society perpetuating .
19 I mean even with the market being depressed there 's still gon na be eight hundred pounds in there .
20 There 's still gon na be music on even if Pete ca n't .
21 While the numbers taught by their parents without any formal schooling is unknowable , there is still bound to be a close relationship between the availability and take-up of schooling and the literacy level .
22 ‘ I do n't think this is the end of the line : there is still going to be a winter sale .
23 They were n't on court settings so I would imagine in a court situation perhaps the impact of words is slightly higher , you might expect , but it 's still going to be a low percentage in respect of the overall conta image that 's put over .
24 Um , I think it 's still going to be a hard fight , but I think today we 've shown the authority that we mean business .
25 The Rheidol line offers some of the most spectacular scenery available on Welsh railways and , as far as railway enthusiasts are concerned , the line still has much to offer even though it is still recovering after being reduced to virtual siding status in the last year 's of British Rail management .
26 Mrs Squire added : ‘ It is still going to be very dark for us .
27 But I believe he is still seething about being dragged into the debate and left to look the villain of the piece .
28 He is still intended to be in control of his environment .
29 Unemployment levels had improved , falling to 9.7 per cent from 10.6 the previous year , while inflation had increased to 3.1 per cent in 1989 ( 1.2 per cent in 1988 ) but it was still considered to be under control .
30 When he led the England A side in Pakistan , early last year , he was still thought to be a limited captain , possibly through limited self-belief .
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