Example sentences of "[pron] [be] [adv] [verb] because [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In some cases where favelados have moved to new housing schemes , they have been unable to meet the payments , which are periodically increased because of inflation and , therefore , had to return to the favelas .
2 Many rocks are composed of a high proportion of echinoderm debris , which is easily recognized because of this optical property .
3 ‘ If you 're only agreeing because of the tape and the report , then I 'd rather you refused .
4 Not to sort of well you , you ca n't be blamed because I mean yo , in the innocent you were actually going because of the concert .
5 And she is wholly believed because of that .
6 The events of the last year had left her mentally drained while she was physically exhausted because of her chronic illness .
7 Her life is described over at least two pages and is very dramatic — she lived in Italy where she was much courted because of her great beauty but she eventually married ‘ the very worst of those who sought her hand ’ — Paulo Neroni .
8 Most years this gave rise to no special problem , but eventually there was an occasion when the king 's enjoyment of the Easter Feast was spoilt by the absence of his queen , who was still fasting because for her it was Palm Sunday .
9 Thrips or thunder flies as they are sometimes called because of their tendency to fly in clouds when thunder threatens — are minute midge-like flies that like to get into buds just as the bud scales ( sepals ) are opening and lay their eggs there .
10 They were so named because of their comfortable leather seats on the lower deck .
11 Or maybe they were more aroused because of the flashing light , or maybe the light was affecting their visual system in some way .
12 It 's so called because in the past it was burnt and the smoke used to rid dwellings of fleas .
13 It is instantly appealing because of the Minoans ' delight in grace , movement and natural forms — in short , their delight in life .
14 The smallest of all the pigs , the bullet-shaped pygmy hog lives in the tall grasslands of northern India , where it is highly endangered because of the practice of agricultural grass-burning and , lately , armed rebellion ( see ‘ Pigs in distress ’ ) .
15 An inquiry has indeed been set up by Gwynedd county council , but I understand that it is currently suspended because of police investigations .
16 The statue is much bigger than it looks ; it is always foreshortened because of the need to look sharply upward , and is actually over 4 metres high .
17 It was particularly made because of the role of the conference in diffusing results of the ESRC Changing Urban Regional System Initiative ( 1985-7 ) .
18 What is often overlooked because of Cuba 's active ( although never particularly substantial ) support for armed struggle in Latin America later in the 1960s is that , initially , the Castro regime made consistent attempts to build diplomatic relations with its hemispheric neighbours .
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