Example sentences of "[pron] [be] [adj] and have [art] " in BNC.

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1 I was ignorant and had no worldly experience in those days .
2 She said I had not been meant to have this until I was twenty-five , but since I was married and had a child , they had been able to break the trust .
3 I was alone and had no idea if it was going to attack .
4 In general , we have been writing about those melodies which are complete and have a well-defined entirety .
5 ICI 's programme has centred on alternatives which include the ‘ Klea ’ family of HFC refrigerants , which are ozone-benign and have an insignificant effect on global warming , as well as a range of non-fluorocarbon alternatives .
6 The pen , which is cordless and has no batteries , looks and feels like an ordinary pen .
7 She 's tall and has a good figure .
8 She was tall and had a slender enough waist for him to have spanned it with his hands , and he was amazed at how strongly he wished he could be given the chance .
9 She was shortish and had an attractive way of cocking her head on one side and looking up with big dark eyes and a wryly amused smile .
10 The hospital said she was comfortable and having a light breakfast — her first full meal since was admitted to hospital .
11 She looked at him , smiling , and he thought she was beautiful , even though she was old and had a stiff , curly whisker or two on her chin .
12 Other girls at Group included ‘ Jolly Molly ’ — plump and good-natured ; Harriet , who was trying to improve her mind and always listened to the afternoon plays on BBC radio ( relayed to each hut over the Tannoy system ) ; Veronique , who was stage-mad and had a friend in the current London production of Lady Windermere 's Fan , and dough-faced Olive ( more about her a bit further on ) .
13 I remember nothing there except a girl in the top class , who was fair-haired and had a bright complexion , and I see her now in my mind 's eye outstretched , lying upon her back on the floor .
14 We are well and have no worries being happy together and not in need William leaving me better provided for than ever I had expected .
15 ( Of course we understood none of this really , we just thought she was fabulous ; when she left us , simply left us , taking only the jewels , we were terrified and had no idea of how to keep things going .
16 They are narrow and have a parochial view
17 The aim is to produce beers quickly which , because they are sterile and have a long ‘ shelf life ’ , are also highly profitable .
18 As I gazed after the jeep , I thought ‘ Those two , I suppose , are lucky in a way , they are alive and have a Blighty !
19 They are severe and have a devastating effect on his personality , his physical well-being and his mental state .
20 They were heavy and had the words ‘ Do not refreeze ’ written on them , but I did n't immediately realize the significance of that .
21 ‘ Now , because everybody is busy and has a bit of money , the place is a haven of peace and tranquillity ’
22 It 's compact and has a shortwave capacity to pick up stations around the globe .
23 Yellow Peril 's defenders insist like all good art it 's provocative and has a sting in the tail
24 It is unacceptable and has the potential to cause great harm to children who may see it .
25 A small generator can be used primarily to stop a battery discharging and it will only be able to recharge a battery if it is small and has a long time in which to do it .
26 To argue that it is computer-generated and has no human author runs counter to common sense .
27 This building is more Romanesque than other works ; it is cruciform and has a particularly fine galleried and arcaded apse dating from about 1140 .
28 The interior is most interesting : it is large and has an 11-bay nave with varying classical capitals and columns .
29 I enjoyed ‘ Futility ’ very much as it is poem with a message for all people and like most of Wilfred Owen 's poems it is timeless and has a meaning not only for the first World War but for wars to come .
30 It was dark and had a tiny window .
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