Example sentences of "[pron] [be] [prep] [v-ing] [that] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Neutrinos are hard to detect : they interact so little with matter that they can probably float through entire galaxies without being affected ; they exist but have no mass nor any other physical property , which is like saying that they simultaneously exist and do not exist .
2 It 's worth mentioning that I asked a lot of people in Spain , when I was there , at the Spanish you know what they knew about it , and nobody did .
3 It 's worth mentioning that you 're not automatically insured on dry ski slopes so it 's worth arranging some personal cover — accidents are n't especially common but you never know .
4 Tsunami 's arrival — and it 's worth remembering that its code name means Tidal Wave — should give Sun a whole new ballpark to play in , making Sparc 's proliferation in the desktop , portable , X-terminal and embedded markets possible .
5 It 's worth noting that there 's now little real price differential between the top of the page printer market and the bottom of the imagesetting market .
6 Yes , we have a parent governor , a teacher governor and a student governor and I think it 's worth saying that our student governor was elected by thirteen hundred out of our sixteen hundred children this year .
7 It is through suffering that we learn obedience and trust , and God , in his wisdom , will lead us through stages of growth that feel like anything but growth to bring us to Christ-likeness .
8 At this stage it is worth emphasising that we still deal with personal injury litigation under an adversarial system .
9 As a counter to this strongly argued view , it is worth mentioning that it assumes that ‘ biggest is best ’ and that the potential benefits of synergy will actually accrue .
10 This is not the place to dwell on the answer to the first question , although it is worth remarking that there are significant nuances of opinion between Britain , on the one hand , and France and Germany , on the other , concerning the relationship with the United States .
11 Nevertheless , it is worth repeating that their essential role is to assist and augment the processes of market analysis , research , segmentation and forecasting .
12 It is worth repeating that there may also be competing goals within the organisation itself .
13 It is worth repeating that it stripped for ever from folklore the idea that British Rail was wholly independent and could do what it liked , that the Government had no connection with it and were not concerned in the day-to-day running of its affairs , and that there was a chasm between British Rail and the Government .
14 Even though some presenters use music merely as a vehicle for their own performances , it is worth remembering that they would all find it very difficult to do their job without the music base .
15 Yet it is worth remembering that they were fuelled by intense speculation about her marriage .
16 It is worth remembering that we are dealing with ‘ popular ’ music .
17 That policy was overturned in two minutes flat but it is worth remembering that it had held sway since the inception of the service areas fifteen years earlier .
18 It is worth remembering that it is useful to the Bank to know what their customers think of the services they receive : it enables them to improve upon the services they offer .
19 In this connexion it is worth remembering that it takes a little longer to change where cymbals are concerned ( owing to the way in which they are held ) but from bass drum to side-drum , triangle , or tambourine , or from any of these to any other , is a matter of seconds .
20 It is worth remembering that there are still people in Britain today who have never been to London .
21 So it is worth remembering that there is another , different suffix , s , which expresses plural and which does not have an apostrophe .
22 It is worth knowing that you can run Qbasic from a floppy only system and using earlier version of MS-DOS all you need are the three files listed to be stored on the current drive .
23 It is worth knowing that you do not have to type in the dollar signs for yourself .
24 The Palace : It is worth knowing that there are musical evenings in the Royal Chapel ( where all the court 's religious ceremonies took place , including the marriage of Marie Antoinette ) .
25 It is worth emphasizing that there can be significant variations , within this situation , in the productive process itself .
26 it is worth noting that one in four of our employees have expressed their commitment by direct shareholding or as share option holders . ’
27 Further analysis of the above five steps could be conducted ( for instance , it is worth noting that they are made up of ( I ) non-drama — 1 ( 2 ) nun-drama — 1 ( 3 ) drama — 1 ( 4 ) non-drama — 1 ( 5 ) drama activities ) but it is not in the matter of graded steps within a sequence that drama resembles a game : the game element of drama is inherent within each stop .
28 These two techniques are primarily intended for use in table searching in main storage , and are only incidentally usable for direct files ; it is worth noting that they are intended to eliminate the order-preserving properties of division , while using division as a convenient randomizing algorithm .
29 Although detailed consideration of these lies beyond the scope of the present book , l it is worth noting that they raised more specifically social and economic grievances than the risings of the fifteenth century .
30 However , it is worth noting that our findings refer to the presence of H pylori in the antrum , the commonest site of such infection , and atrophy of the gastric body of our patients can not , therefore , be excluded .
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