Example sentences of "[pron] [be] [adv] [verb] [adv] from " in BNC.

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1 I 'm finally walking away from the house .
2 ‘ I want to see my team play good football and I 'm not stepping aside from that .
3 ‘ My tactics are the same as last season — I 'm trying to finish every race but I 'm not holding back from victory .
4 On landing the shattered Bamberger , who had now survived many weeks of combat , announced : ‘ I 'm not taking off from this bloody island again ! ’
5 I 'm usually excused early from functions and so on .
6 I was not running away from anything — I was running towards something , my old self , my old talent , and — for a while — my own home .
7 So , in one sense I was not starting entirely from scratch .
8 Jus , just there Gloucester Road , I was just coming back from Witham .
9 When I first saw her black and white photographs using animal parts compiled into a series of hunters ' trophies , I was certainly put off from visiting this exhibition .
10 I 'd been yo-yoing up and down a rollercoaster for the best part of an hour and I was still hung over from the phial of ‘ Renshenfengwangjiang ’ — a potent blend of panax ginseng and royal bee jelly — that Michael Willis had persuaded me to drink for breakfast .
11 Turning around brought a couple of angry hoots from the odd civilian driver — taxis and buses never blow their horns at taxis or buses — but I was now going away from the traffic flow and I was back outside PKB by five .
12 None of the other superhuman beings is described as inherently shy or fearful , a further indication of their being conceptually set apart from human beings .
13 He was aware that famous players of those roles had developed their own ways of interpretation and tricks , which were then handed down from generation to generation .
14 In other words it 's a new it 's something which is not done directly from the computer but which is using information the computer provides .
15 The bones are first modified and altered to conform to the skeletal dimensions of the body , which is then built up from the inside outwards using organic substitute flesh .
16 Her encounter with Count Alan led to a strange and passionate romance which is now known only from two of Anselm 's letters .
17 Some of these rules are concerned with the different components which go to make up a traditional story — the kind of story which is orally handed down from generation to generation .
18 It was thus able to draw on the large reservoir of latent discontent among Liberals and the intellectuals which had been only slightly touched by the problem of unemployment and which was completely cut off from the syndicalist traditions of working class militancy in the previous decade .
19 The Hanoverians inherited a system of taxation which was already shifting away from the taxes on land and immovable property that had provided almost half of government income under the later Stuarts .
20 The attendant said there was a gentleman already undressing in No. 1 Frederica received no answer to her question about numéro sept , but was given permission to stand in the corridor of the train , which was already sliding away from its platform .
21 So we dashed back to the steamer which was just pulling out from the bank — you two were jolly glad to see us .
22 which was often flooded intentionally from a nearby well .
23 Her straw bonnet had a large brim which was usually turned back from her face , but today she did n't want people looking at her grief so she had tipped the brim down .
24 Several papers report on Goldie the goldfish which was apparently brought back from the dead when its owner gave it the kiss of life and poured whisky down its throat .
25 Finally , there are services to improve life for children who are already living away from home .
26 Indeed there are many highly intelligent children who are completely uninterested in the kinds of questions set at O or A level in English , questions about the choice of words in the sonnets of Keats or Jane Austen 's power of characterization , who have been set to read these texts with a view to answering such questions , and who are perhaps turned away from reading for ever by being required to embark on a specialized and academic study of literary criticism for which they are totally unsuited by taste , temperament , or ability .
27 if you get pulled over and they realize it 's false then you 're well shagged apart from just driving a car you 're also done for fraud .
28 I think you 're just running away from the difficulties that that entails .
29 It 's not that you 're deliberately staying away from London by any chance is it ? ’
30 Who were the country gentlemen who were so put out from pursuing their time-honoured pastime ?
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