Example sentences of "[pron] [be] [adv] [being] [vb pp] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 She told viewers : ‘ I 'm just being told that Princess Di and Prince Charles are going to get a separation .
2 The use of tape recordings and videos adds further elaborations of form and function which are just being recognised and incorporated into this traditional complex of language use .
3 We are now more aware of those problems , and there are possibilities under the Environmental Protection Act 1990 — some of which are already being followed and others which have yet to be taken up — to deal with past laxity .
4 MAry Cobb FHCIMA , has played the leading role in establishing systems which are now being tested and , it is hoped , adopted during the course of 1993 .
5 This will also make H two consistent with the existing greenbelt development control policies E nine and E ten of the approved county structure plan which are still being retained and also the proposed open countryside policy E E two , all of which use the qualification , normally .
6 Mr Nick Elliot , Darlington 's cycling and footpaths officer , said : ‘ The problem is down to loops not working properly and modern cycles have a high alloy level which is not being detected as easily . ’
7 One of the gentlemen he supplied with specimens was Edward Robson , a Darlington man who made the collection which is now being rehoused and documented at Sunderland .
8 With a product line-up of over 400 items ( which is constantly being updated and reviewed ) every d-i-y task — from one-room decorating to a full-scale renovation — is catered for .
9 This had , and George Eliot knew it , little or even nothing to do with Christ 's injunctions to his followers , and certainly nothing at all to do with the Incarnation which was now being celebrated as the congregation sang " Unto us a Boy is Born " as Daniel at the white-draped altar , with its lovingly embroidered white cloth , watched with Mr Ellenby over the bread and wine .
10 Much the funniest poll night offering — with the possible exception of Have I Got News For You ( BBC2 ) , which was still being edited as I write — was the scheduled repeat of Porridge ( BBC1 ) .
11 But So we 're looking for a nice balance between clutch and throttle , that you 're not being jerked and the not clutch is not bloody flying every time that you take let your foot to engage a gear .
12 She says it seems unfair that she 's not being evicted but Mrs Hurd is .
13 Both he and his half-back partner , Gary Armstrong , might be forgiven if thoughts turned to British Lions selection for the summer tour to New Zealand but Gavin Hastings , another candidate in that department who is now being touted as Lions skipper , was adamant that performing for Scotland was the only issue at stake .
14 On the second part , well nobody feels more strongly that I do about the problems of noise pollution and I agree entirely there er with what councillor has to say but may I remind members that this council did have a full service for a six months period , you all seem to have forgotten that , we did have a full service , an experimental one which ran for six months , er we were advised by the officers at the end of that period it was not necessary to run the full seven day a week service , it was not necessary we are still being advised that that is not necessary , that is the advice we were given at the last committee meeting and er the majority of members supported that .
15 & sup4 ; We are now being persuaded that ‘ the key to growth ’ is , amongst other things .
16 We are always being told that the world is shrinking and that the new technology is bringing the inhabitants of planet earth ever closer together , whether they like it or not .
17 But it 's just lying in the bank dormant and it 's not making any interest I know it 's not being , I know we 're not being charged but
18 In spite of what one reads and hears , we can take that as being a pretty definitive er word on , on the fact that we 're not being conned or ripped off in any way at all .
19 Students want a rapid return of tests for three reasons : they like to feel that they are not being neglected and that correcting their work is considered important by the tutors ; they want to see the result of their attempts while they are still fresh from their memories and they need to see the results of tests before attempting the next one , since tutors may well make comments which will help them to improve .
20 These perceptions are thus conceived as contingent , as open to non-occurrence , since they are not being treated as normal , as being taken for granted , even though they did take place in actual fact .
21 They are actually being watched or listened to by small groups of people .
22 They are therefore being told that future political donations will be less generous .
23 A number of men were employed to do up the houses one by one — they 're slowly being modernised and decorated .
24 I think if he 's making pronouncements which are being picked up and treated as very important , and they 're only being treated as important because of his position then he should be ba , getting his facts right !
25 First , packages were not being returned from export markets and second , when they were , they were not being refurbished and returned to service quickly enough .
26 Scotland Yard has already said that some videos containing explicit sex scenes would be classed as illegal pornography if they were n't being marketed as ‘ educational . ’
27 Families from this range were always in search of respectability and , having followed their betters into churches , lecture rooms , and recreational clubs , they were now being told that a certain amount of movie-going need not necessarily be socially harmful .
28 He said that , despite the fact that representatives of the Russian Parliament did not want them to be built and decisions had been taken for them not to be built , they were still being built because of the nature of the command economy that is being phased out .
29 Yes , things that we were told 20 years ago that were perfectly safe , it 's now being proved that they 're not safe .
30 ON A daily basis it 's now being suggested that the Duchess of York is in danger of losing custody of her two daughters .
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