Example sentences of "[pron] [be] [adv] [adv] [vb base] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 While I am away please note that there will only be weekday Masses on Monday and Friday .
2 I 'm not so think as you drunk I am .
3 She could certainly be tidier around the apartment , which is usually so spick and span when she arrives .
4 Rose 's tact was so masterful that she resembled certain people who are so deeply read that they can play with all ideas without ever listing books .
5 Who is here so base that would be a bondsman ?
6 Although it is direct , there is not enough feel or weight to give a proper impression of how much grip is left .
7 There was nowhere ter sit an' so there was me standin' in front of 'is desk like a bad little boy .
8 This is not to say that the sciences are ‘ objective ’ or even that all scientists suppose them to be so , nor that they do not sometimes have an active or applied emphasis , or that they are not sometimes reflexive and even philosophical , although in practice the ‘ philosophy of science ’ seems to be marginal to the mainstream of scientific activity .
9 Though , just for the record , I would n't have tried to do anything of the sort if it were n't patently clear that you do n't feel anything lasting for your fiancé . ’
10 No , it 's just literally sponge and buttercream .
11 It is however also clear that the concept of legitimate expectations , like many legal concepts , can be used in more than one way ; it does not have to be given a restrictive interpretation .
12 It is not just cost that has made the DIY holiday so popular , although traditionally they have been the break for those on a tight budget .
13 Energy has many forms — heat , electrical energy , mechanical energy , strain energy and so on — but it is not immediately clear that the surface of a solid has energy , merely by virtue of its existence as a surface .
14 While this distinction is obviously important to Poulantzas , it is not immediately clear that it helps him to unite structures and class practices as he intends .
15 But it is not wholly clear that the problem has disappeared .
16 It is not wholly clear that the Act has the effect intended for it .
17 In summary , it is not yet clear that a modification of the daily rhythms is a necessary requirement of treatment or that an abnormality of the body clock is the cause of the disorder .
18 We wish to preface our discussion of syndromes involving abnormal language development with the disclaimer that , while these categories may delineate separate psychiatric categories , it is not yet clear that each of these categories represents a unique type of linguistic disorder .
19 However , it is not yet clear that the use of a fixation stimulus does not introduce as many difficulties as it seeks to eliminate .
20 It is not only labour that the economic power of Bangkok is sucking out of the north-east .
21 West — and in fact it is not unequivocally clear that this is so — that would not be a good reason for proclaiming the demise of regionalism as an issue .
22 First , there is the lunch-break story ( though it is not entirely clear that this relates to the very last meeting : it might relate to 5 November ) .
23 In fact , there are grounds for suspecting that the conflict between static inefficiency and dynamic progressiveness is often more apparent than real , and , as we have seen , it is not entirely clear that cooperative R&D ventures significantly weaken those conflicts which do exist .
24 One weakness of Rationality and Relativism is that it is not always clear that the various authors interpret relativism in the same way .
25 It is thus amply clear that , while surgeons like Taplin and physicians like Prosser turned to the financially rewarding field of veterinary medicine , there was widespread dissatisfaction with the state of veterinary science in the United Kingdom .
26 Military intervention in Germany would be a disaster for the Russians , so it is no longer clear that the threat of this will continue to be a bar to German self-determination .
27 The great endeavour which Peter Scott and a small group of inspired people began in 1961 may be said to have only just started to have the worldwide impact which will help mankind to learn once again to develop in full harmony with the natural world , but it is already indelibly clear that Peter 's influence and determination has been crucial in creating a force that will not be denied its place of importance on a planet which , in the foreseeable future , may be required to support a human population of double its present size .
28 It is already now clear that the 1980s will stand out as a decade of impressive improvement in economic performance , reversing a long-term trend of decline relative to other member countries . ’
29 It is therefore little wonder that the ASB states that derecognition will be rare .
30 And it is now equally clear that Mrs Thatcher 's response to this ultimatum was similarly direct .
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