Example sentences of "[pron] [be] [verb] them [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I do n't need to tell him this because I am clutching them upright in my hand .
2 Not only will I be dealing with some of your concerns through ‘ Vet 's Corner ’ , but I am taking them up with the very people who make the food — with some eye-opening results !
3 In passing , I might say how extraordinarily lucky I am to have them here with me .
4 I 'm breaking them in for a horse .
5 I 'm leaving them now for you , I 'm not doing them and I 'll leave every fucking plate in this house till you do them because I 'm sick of it .
6 What are we doing Wednesday ? yes , we 'll have one there , and we 'll have one there , I 'm sticking them all over the place , but you 'll see what I mean .
7 That 's what I 'd like to know said Gwendoline smugly , six buttons all ripped off I 'm putting them on for Mary Lou because I 'm so sorry any one should play at such a dirty trick .
8 I 'm keeping them together in their little bits because I 've got them all sorted where they belong , so
9 I did n't want to wear glasses , and I was thinking how I could get out of it but finally they brought in a bunch of pairs of glasses and I was trying them on in the mirror , and I tried on a pair and I thought , ‘ Gee , these do n't look too bad ’ .
10 It takes only a month , a few dozen overseas phone calls to get the guarantee from the Philippine bank , which is handing them out like free samples .
11 The slide-rules had been passed on to a Swedish group known as Bread and Fish , which was packing them together with clothes and medicines for southern Africa , when arsonists burned down the warehouse .
12 Murray bought his compass and they walked on together , beginning the skein of meaningless jokes and catchwords which was to bind them together in the next few weeks .
13 We have been starved of second-hand cars because nobody was trading them in for new ones , but this should change that . ’
14 What 's she been putting them in for ?
15 When they come back into work , begin feeding the highfat/performance-type diet about six weeks in advance while you are training them up for the extra work ahead .
16 Well if you have other applications running the reason is obvious — you are cutting them off in their prime without giving them a chance to save data or clean up any temporary files that they might be using .
17 You 're sticking them back into a
18 But , Debbie was just getting to the stage where she was just to same on the shift , erm , but yes , you need , like , th , the , you get certain people that , they just need the challenge , but then you can find yourself erm , getting into a situation where you 're giving them those extra things to do but you 're taking them away from somebody else , so they 're like just going into the background , you know .
19 right cos then you 're taking them away from the fact that you want other quotes right , they 'll say to you oh we were n't thinking of doing it actually until the winter , right and then you can say to them well let me just say that by placing your order in now we can put your installation in hand , right , basically at today 's prices , right , on an extended delivery , right , and you can still qualify for a special offer , right
20 Bring them home and tell them that you 're taking them home to air .
21 But it 's always will , will , will in advance but you 're asking them immediately for more money .
22 But you 've only got , if you w if you put chips in a basket in a chip pan if it , the fat boils up you can at least lift the chips out straight away but if you 're putting them straight into the pan there 's no hope of stopping it coming over .
23 Not only that she 's bringing them back to my house , you know what I mean ?
24 So she 's saving them up for a
25 Tonight she 's putting them early to bed , before tuning in to the American election .
26 She was picking them up at random and saying things like , ‘ This boy 's in a wheelchair but that does n't stop him giving me the eye , ’ or , ‘ This is the college stud but he cuts no ice with me . ’ ’
27 And he he caught her the other day , she was putting them out for the birds , she do n't like them but she said .
28 At the moment , when we should be integrating our elderly into community life and reintegrating them into our families , we are sending them off into social exile .
29 We 're packing them in like sardines .
30 And you were saying , oh yeah , we found these porno magazines and we 're selling them off to perverts .
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