Example sentences of "[pron] [be] [verb] to [be] [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 I 'm looking to be pushing because I , I I might ask them to get speakers in etcetera .
2 ‘ Now sor , I 'm goin' to be tellin' yer sometin' .
3 ‘ I tell thee I ai n't got a bleedin' farthing and even if I had I 'm expected to be working .
4 Cos I 'm going to be getting it mixed in future now .
5 Anyway , Jules , it would be silly to form attachments here in Paris when I 'm going to be living in London . ’
6 And if I 'm going to be leafleting thousands of people in conferences , or at least hundreds ,
7 I 'm going to be deleting an application called Legato ; not because I hate it , but just as a demonstration .
8 I 'm going to be drinking cold coffee here are n't I ?
9 ‘ Next term I 'm going to be teaching part of a course on the influence of gender on style , ’ Loretta added , again to little response .
10 Excuse me I 've got not exactly hay-fever but I think I 'm going to be sneezing for a few minutes .
11 This is , in fact , exactly the topic that I 'm going to be addressing in my lecture on the Open Day .
12 I 'm going to be speaking to people on the little red round table .
13 I know I 'm going to be seeing a lot more of her .
14 I may be entirely wrong but I 'm going to be reading those when I 'm allowed to put my hands on a copy finally .
15 I 'm going to be working there for nothing , so I do n't want to be taking a job away from a local who would be paid for it . ’
16 And I , I 'm going to be working from behind Denise because you all need to see , but you would be working from the front as I 've already talked about , so you need your triangular bandage , alright , and there 's your long edge , and there 's your point as we call it , a sort of elbow shaped , think of that as elbow shaped because it always goes towards the injured elbow .
17 Good , because with this new project in the offing I 'm going to be working to a very tight schedule .
18 I 'm going to be doing this for the rest of my life if I 'm not careful , ’ she told me one day .
19 I 'm going to be doing one or two more over the next erm few weeks or so .
20 Actually , I have n't decided what I 'm going to be doing with Pickerage on Sunday .
21 I do n't think I 've got many left in me and this is the one I 'm going to be doing everything to make sure we qualify .
22 So I make appointments with myself , where I 've got , you 'll see there , eight days where for two hours that 's what I 'm going to be doing .
23 I 'm going to be arguing and voting for a no-toll bridge . ’
24 I 'm going to be spending a lot of money , and I ca n't afford to take chances on the builder ’
25 However , as this is a particular topic , and as er I 'm going to be asking the councils er and the supporters if they wish to comment on er your submissions , perhaps to assist the public understanding of these replies , er there may be some advantage in you reading er at least a summary of these er points .
26 Now let me say with the monthly card and with the daily page , I 'm going to be showing you a very structured approach to planning .
27 I 'm going to be talking a bit more later in the presentation about back up and back up performance which is one of the key areas which erm organizations trying to support very large databases have come across as a as a as a major stumbling block or hurdle to get across .
28 Erm , and I 'm going to be talking to you this morning about advocacy .
29 As the role of er , business in the community is well at the top of personal agenda , in my job as I B M Personnel Director and Director of Corporate Affairs , the Corporate Affairs bit , er , is the piece I 'm going to be talking about .
30 So I 'm I 'm not only going to be asking the conference office about what 's there , but I 'm going to be going and asking individuals even if we ca n't record your keynote speech here , will you be able to record us interviews , will you be able to record us whatever else .
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