Example sentences of "[pron] [conj] she [modal v] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I hope our Mum do n't start borrowin' off of 'er or she 'll never get it back . ’
2 There were deep shadows across the room now and his face was in one of them so she could n't see his eyes clearly .
3 That I could get her to do things for me that she would n't do for them .
4 The Queen became so fond of me that she could not eat without me .
5 She once told me that she could never commit suicide because of her curiosity about what was going to happen next .
6 A senior detective at Marbella said last night : ‘ This lady told our detectives that she had no idea there was that much concern in London for her daughter and assured them that she would now return home as soon as possible . ’
7 His eyes met hers , dark and secret with a light behind them that she could not fail to see .
8 And yet my s my oldest sister she was three years older than me and she could n't remember him .
9 so I went in to pull them out , then I rang her rang her wee fella , she came round on Friday night and collected them sorry she collected them and she could n't get them back to , till the Tuesday , Tuesday .
10 Come on look at her yeah , she 's got a really good figure , she 's not ugly she 's got a good er I mean she 's really tanned and that , they like that and she 's really cocky is n't she and she wo n't take any shit from anyone
11 However , on the second occasion , she refused to see you and she will not see you now ! ’
12 because this , this , your friend , I mean you have n't been doing it long have you and she will only talk to you in French wo n't she ?
13 Ana may confide in you as she would never confide in me .
14 it 's Doctor that 's treating me but she ca n't see me till Monday so
15 It was something that she would never have thought possible and now that it had actually happened , now that she knew she was n't dreaming , she wanted it to last .
16 She sensed that he needed more , and this was something that she could not give … the secret places of her mind .
17 She had n't , either ; she had sensed , in Tommaso 's treat , something that she could not identify , but that she wanted to smother , keeping it from her sister 's knowledge : so she pinched Franco really hard on the arm until he cried out , ‘ What was that for ? ’
18 Was Johnny up there now , this minute , doing something that she could not imagine ; could not bear to think about ?
19 He said something that she could n't catch , dropped the receiver on the counter and raced upstairs .
20 But consideration apart , Josie 's answer was the one that she 'd probably have given anyway .
21 Twice before she 'd had proposals of marriage and had rejected them because she could n't feel for the men they came from .
22 She shut her mind to the fact that the pig was a living thing and as she drew the knife across its throat , she told herself that she would not let herself get this attached to any future pigs .
23 All she had to do was keep reminding herself that she would n't have to bear his company much longer .
24 She promised herself that she would never mention the lady again .
25 She had always sworn to herself that she would never impose on her daughter 's marriage 2. ) but she knows now that she can not possibly decline an invitation to spend the rest of her days at her son-in-law 's house .
26 Annie asked , looking briefly into his eyes and reminding herself that she must not prolong the conversation .
27 That feeling was strange , she resisted it , she knew that it was absurd as well as amoral , but in the end she told herself that she could not command her feelings : she was no longer able to torment herself with thoughts of their wars nor to enjoy their celebrations , because she was filled with the conviction that none of it was her concern .
28 She saw it was herself , there on the canvas ; in fact it was so much herself that she could not believe that she could be both people , one here on the studio floor and one sitting there clasping her knees , her eyes lost in faraway visions , her white feet on wet black rocks against which little waves were breaking in plumes of spray .
29 Her mind swung away from her brother and she told herself that she could n't see herself spending her life with someone whose toes were just touching the ground ; her nature demanded stability .
30 a therefore , like Catherine 's in a situation herself and she 'll obviously vouch for it , I can not get my applicants .
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