Example sentences of "[pron] [conj] she [verb] in the " in BNC.

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1 Well if you 'd have seen that I mean I and she sleeps in the airing cupboard she 's now started to get in there , but she 's half out on the landing .
2 She did n't answer : Nick saw in her face the struggle she always had with herself before she went in the water .
3 You will count very slowly to ten , Hilary admonished herself as she stood in the lane watching Leo 's rapidly diminishing figure .
4 ‘ They were n't like you when I was at school , ’ had been his amused reaction when she had told him that she taught in the village .
5 He remained as tenant , as did his sister after him until she died in the late sixties . ’
6 He stopped to watch her until she disappeared in the darkness .
7 Her only chance to escape had been at the beginning , when Miguel had loomed above her as she lay in the garden .
8 The conversation was dying all around her as she looked in the direction that had been indicated .
9 But most of the time she ignored the dogs that hovered around her as she slept in the sun or beavered around the village in pursuit of this or that scent .
10 She paused for breath and his laser-blue eyes narrowed , sending tiny ripples of shock running through her as she took in the dark eyebrows , a strong nose and firmly sculpted mouth .
11 And just as she was feeling sure and secure , a smile becoming a real part of her as she gloried in the feeling growing between them , Lucy gave her to understand that she was going away for three weeks .
12 She could have been stoned , people would have mocked her as she passed in the street , as they jeered and booed that girl Serafina when she started getting bigger and everyone knew who 'd done it but they could n't do anything about it , not even kill him , because he was the son of a nobleman -Rosalba shuddered , remembering the way Serafina had thrown up her chin and turned and screamed at her tormentors , ‘ And which one of you is so good that you can point at me ! ’ , then dropped her head and run away down the street , holding her heavy breasts as she ran .
13 It was not the horrendous drop that had frightened her as she rode in the Land Rover .
14 It had toppled on to her as she played in the garden at their home in Macclesfield , Cheshire .
15 Samantha Self , of Green Court Drive , Bognor Regis , West Sussex , was taken to hospital and released after treatment for head injuries after the dog attacked her as she played in the garden of a house at Hatherleigh Gardens , Bognor Regis , on Tuesday night .
16 At least four of the men were watching her as she stood in the hall , yawning prettily and obviously bewildered by the disturbance .
17 The speaker broke off , turning to stare at her as she stood in the doorway .
18 She felt cold , although the central heating had been on all morning , and took a large brown woollen shawl out of a drawer and wrapped it round her as she sat in the beanbag and listened .
19 You ought to have seen her when she looked in the mirror .
20 Hanging on the door is a dressing gown and in the wardrobe a change of clothes given to her when she arrived in the refuge with only the clothes she stood up in and a shopping bag .
21 His husky moan of arousal as she placed her hands on his warm chest shattered the last remnants of any uncertainty she might have felt , and her arms closed about him as she revelled in the hard pressure of Ross 's body , the slight roughness of his masculine jaw as her silk gown was torn away and he pressed his burning lips to the soft , fragrant valley between her full breasts .
22 Again it would not matter if the person were a US citizen or not , so long as he or she lived in the US the classification would stand .
23 Although a spouse may be protected if he or she stays in the home , if the partner goes into permanent residential care , the spouse may want to move into smaller and more appropriate accommodation .
24 As has been often demonstrated , however , this is not the case if we take the representative individual from a group divided on the basis of skin colour , parental occupation , gender or , in England , whether he or she lives in the north or south of the country .
25 Organisational authority refers to the scope and amount of discretion given to a person to make decisions , by virtue of the position he or she holds in the organisation .
26 Since normal practice is for a member to be issued with paid-up shares , the member 's liability is limited to the extent that the shares which he or she has in the company are rendered valueless .
27 In such a sample , the researcher specifies what type of people he or she wants in the sample , within broad categories ( quotas ) , and it is left up to the interviewer to find such people to interview .
28 Panorama also employs the concept of ‘ sticky ’ windows ; windows that are dragged around with user wherever he or she moves in the system .
29 Qua researcher , the academic may inhabit world III ; but qua teacher , he or she works in the realm of world II .
30 I had never known that world and I wondered how Olga felt , consigning me to it while she luxuriated in the house .
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