Example sentences of "[pron] [conj] it [verb] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It was his and it seemed a palace .
2 My when it hit the side of the
3 In fact , it never occurred to me that it made a difference until I was in a trial and a scout said ‘ We 're quite interested in the coloured lad ’ and that was the first time I realized they thought of me as anything other than my name .
4 An " optimum " rate of population growth could be considered one which while it increases the labour supply , is not so fast as to outgrow the supportive powers of the economy and prevent income per head from rising .
5 The sunlight is falling like a gentle rain and I see it as a silent , unpolluting fuel ; which when it reaches the ground bursts forth in leaves and flowers and is the strength which upholds the trees , and if it failed , all life would fail .
6 What use is revenge to me if it means the destruction of what life we have left ?
7 I said to the farmers we s you should cut grass and you get nitrates into the water and I said to the farmers er er about their slurry throwing erm a muck across the land , we know the problems that causes , I said if we came out with fertilisers which were would you buy them if it costed a bit more .
8 ( E.g. if fine-class phonemic descriptions unambiguously described spoken utterances , it would still be pointless to use them if it took the processor weeks to find them in the acoustic input and half the time it got them wrong . )
9 It hurt us , it hurt them and it hurt the sport .
10 The function keeps calling itself until it returns the answer 1 .
11 The corporate planning department either undertakes these projects itself if it has the manpower , or alternatively its members join an investigative committee .
12 If there is a particular site for which you want to be kept informed of any future development , you can ask the planning department to tell you if it receives an application affecting it .
13 You get a lot of people who 'll tell you how to sing and play , and stop you because it sounds a bit out of tune , but he 'll say , ‘ No , there 's soul in there , even if it is slightly out of tune .
14 They could see their pals being shot down in front of them but it made no difference .
15 Victory , therefore , solves nothing unless it eliminates the source of the antagonism which produced war in the first place .
16 cos he was thrown against the wall and hit a mole on his head or something and it caused a bruise and it has actually damaged his brain .
17 but if you think about it , there is the hard ones can have a lot better ca n't they , I mean the only thing that 'll actually harm them is that if you get poked in the eye or something and it shatters the lens cos they are actually
18 Money does n't solve everything but it gives a sense of control over some of the options .
19 What we are trying to argue for is to try to prevent the cost , the pain , the hurt that is experienced after a divorce by alerting people to the fact that a divorce wo n't solve all their problems , it will transfer one set of problems for another and our great concern in this report is to go back one step , not just to speak to people who are experiencing hurt , but in the hope that we can say something before it reaches the stage that it had reached when they came to you .
20 Each test-tube contains the machine tools and the raw material , but so far it is sitting idle , doing nothing because it lacks a blueprint to work from .
21 It was not quite what she envisaged for herself but it had the advantage of being cheap and it went some way towards satisfying Grace , who was convinced that London was a den of iniquity waiting to swallow up her unsuspecting daughter .
22 They refused to allow him to examine his sister 's file except to show him that it contained a photograph of her .
23 Then when I told him that it takes a man to make a man , he hit me right across the face .
24 At first he resisted the demand for a judicial inquiry , on the grounds that there was insufficient evidence , but on April 25 he received a note from the Israeli government , informing him that it possessed a letter from Vere Bird Jr dated Nov. 9 , 1988 , which confirmed the arms order .
25 It says thousands have packed city centre to cheer her and it said the fervour surprised republicans who have criticized the visit .
26 I only just taken his bike for him cos it went a bit rusty cos out the back and er could n't find then could we ?
27 I 'm sure he would n't have liked the way we communally beheaded him but it did the job .
28 He then picked up a stool and brought it down towards her but it smashed a ceiling light .
29 Its continued presence always surprised him since it served no purpose that he could see except symbolically to cut off the headland and to give travellers pause to consider whether they really wanted to continue .
30 As usual , rainwater fills up the aquifer and water flows out from it where it meets the surface .
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