Example sentences of "[pron] [conj] his [noun pl] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 What he says about the king 's own explanation for his forwardness in battle is one of a number of examples of d'Ayala 's perception of the Scottish kingdom : ‘ He ( the king ) said to me that his subjects serve him with their persons and goods , in just and unjust quarrels , exactly as he likes , and that therefore he does not think it right to begin any warlike undertaking without being himself the first in danger . ’
2 While people were dreaming dreams and singing songs , and the Evil One and his angels strutted their mastery over the world like cocks in a barnyard , the omnipotent God made the decisive move that was to win the Great Battle for the world .
3 Other times it was dinner ; twice he took her dancing , the smoochy old-fashioned sort of dancing , not a disco , the sort where she was right up against him and his hands held her in a strong , commanding kind of way .
4 But things had got so bad that his wife considered leaving him and his children avoided him , the judge said .
5 The sun was already directly above him and his knees hurt him badly .
6 His arms went round her and his lips found hers , and this time when the world fell apart and the sky came crashing down , she clamped her lips together and buried her face in his shoulder and said nothing .
7 The shock of his touch seemed to rob her of what little control she still had , and her eyes flew open , her blurred gaze registering his gaunt face as she stared at him before his arms enveloped her .
8 A gasp escaped her as his arms clasped her against him , one hand holding her head to his shoulder .
9 She closed her eyes , enjoying the sensations flooding her as his hands parted her legs , and his breathing became as erratic as hers .
10 She said his name helplessly and he impelled her towards him , capturing her mouth with his , kissing her hungrily and intimately , and she moved urgently against him as his hands explored her body .
11 However , before he had time to dwell on the thought , another stronger jolt shook him when his fingers grasped her wrists and he pulled her hands away from her face .
12 Followers of Gandhi explicitly maintain that he was essentially a practical man with no concern for metaphysics or philosophical speculation , yet it is clear that whenever he attempted to explain what he meant by Truth he was involved in metaphysical speculation whether he or his followers realized it or not .
13 He was so cunning about it that his dancers thought they were still working for John !
14 Both he and his employers knew there was a risk of a stone falling on him and he had complained to them about this .
15 Probably this accounts for the greater part of the increase in sede vacante presentations made by the king , but he and his clerks pushed their claims to the limit .
16 In about 1805 he and his brothers established themselves in Bristol as ‘ stonemasons , architects , builders etc . ’ ,
17 I have pressed the Minister on this matter both in correspondence and in a visit to the Department when he and his officials told me that they would reconsider it .
18 The Head of Department was first asked to specify how he and his colleagues assessed their pupils ' work , illustrating the process by assessing a pencil drawing which was mounted on the wall .
19 Yet in an earlier publication , in which the term was first coined , he and his colleagues used it to describe ‘ pain [ which ] ceases to be relieved or is worsened by further administration ’ of morphine or diamorphine ( our italics ) .
20 Feeling her surrender , his mouth gentled on hers and his fingers caressed her skin beneath her tousled hair .
21 Put briefly , once employment ends he can not , without a specific covenant , be prevented from doing anything unless his actions contravene what is perceived to be a proprietary right of his employer : Morris ( Herbert ) Ltd v Saxelby [ 1916 ] 1 AC 688 .
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