Example sentences of "[pron] [conj] it had [adv] been " in BNC.

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1 Like virgins to the sacrificial altar , they followed Molly Malone to the place where it all happened ; where Wrens must learn to live in a men 's world because now the war was nearer to them than it had ever been .
2 I am speaking now of its Belgrade side , of the old men in the Academy who wished to complete Serb history because it seemed to them that it had not been properly completed back in 1918 .
3 now more nearly resembled an M and a Q. The evidence was disappearing before their very eyes and , once it was gone , Harry was not sure he could convince even himself that it had ever been there .
4 Why did passport mean something when it had n't been stolen ?
5 His first impression was that somebody had started to construct a small harbour , but then he saw a shallow groove cut in the face of the cliff which must at one time have accommodated a pipe , and it occurred to him that it had probably been a sewage outfall .
6 She wrinkled her nose in irritation , wishing that her father had had the foresight to warn her that it had not been fully completed , instead of waving her on her way with a cheery remark about how the change would do her good .
7 Bathed in the bright sun of Italy and glittering with social and commercial success , it seemed to her that it had always been menaced by dark shadows , many of which , Constance sometimes thought , had sprung up almost to punish her for leaving this remote area so early in her adult life .
8 She had finally walked out on him and it had only been the intervention of Philpott that had brought them back together again .
9 ‘ Of course , he 'd never have made it if it had n't been for the skill of our local doctor ’
10 Clara had actually heard one constant church attender , caught out donating a small charitable sum to the Vicar , defend herself to Mrs Maugham by saying that she had n't really meant to give it , and that she never would have given it if it had n't been that her little boy had just given up Sunday school .
11 ‘ He would never have made it if it had n't been for you .
12 ‘ The APB would never have made it if it had all been practitioners .
13 What if it had not been Nicole on the phone at all ?
14 What if it had originally been on one of the other cakes ?
15 It was there for them as it had always been .
16 ‘ I would never have been a dancer or believed I could do anything if it had not been for him , ’ said Crawford .
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