Example sentences of "[pron] [conj] i [vb base] never [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Well , I 've spent a year doing what the Thing 's told me and I 've never had so much as a ‘ thank you ’ , ’ said Masklin .
2 The thing 's I 've had two attempts at me and I 've never had any feedback whatsoever .
3 Er I did ask the question as well what what 's going to happen to these trees or what happens to these trees when the City Council removes them and I 've never got an answer yet and I 'm going to keep asking somebody some day will give me an answer .
4 She said , as she was lying there , ‘ I feel , Dame Edna , I can talk about anything to you and I 've never had this experience before when I 've tried to talk to people .
5 How many people have I caught , I could n't tell you cos I 've never kept a record .
6 ‘ You 'll have to forgive me but I 've never read any of your books .
7 The autumn statement contains something that I have never seen in an autumn statement before — a chart designed to show not figures showing what might happen in the economy but estimates of consumer confidence based on Gallup poll evidence .
8 Charles , her husband , jokes all the time about what I 'm wearing , insists that I join them for formal dinners late at night , and then teases me throughout them because I 've never eaten squid before , and I do n't know what haggis is made of .
9 I confess to him that I have never done Kipling Groove and he launches into a celebration of Arthur Dolphin 's famous classic .
10 Him and me have never kept things from each other .
11 I 've seen her but I 've never heard her . ’
12 I admire them for being able to sit there in front of everybody and say they actually , what they 've been through because it must have been sheer hell er , trying to come off and withdrawal symptoms , I mean , I do n't know much about it cos I 've never taken well I smoke
13 I 've seen one or two erm previews of it but I 've never found out when it is .
14 Of television we say : I want it as I have never had it .
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