Example sentences of "[pron] [conj] i [vb past] that [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 it was Mr that posed the question to me and I understood that it was his idea
2 Her back was to me and I saw that she had her fingers crossed behind her back as she spoke .
3 So I went to a designer , Denise Vaughan of Deni Vee , and she made me a couple of suits which really pleased me and I believed that I was on to something .
4 It so happened that the Gulf War in Kuwait was filling our attention , and so I switched on a video tape whenever something attracted me and I found that I would be most likely to record the daily sessions on the BBC 's Newsnight with Peter Snow discussing the disposition of troops over the battle zone using a visual aid which is now known as the sandpit .
5 There was movement below me and I remembered that I was in the upper berth of a two-tier bunk and Iain had one of those wristwatches with a built-in alarm .
6 I mean , I felt that , it made me worse as well , by going to them and I decided that I would never go back to them again , you know .
7 I did n't have the faintest idea how this girl could help me but I knew that she was going to try .
8 The Aldershot method was particularly important for me because I realised that it 's something we use every day or we see every day er and it emotionally prepares the audience the listener for what I 'm going to say .
9 ‘ I was shocked when Bristol City released me because I thought that I was doing well , ’ said Vernon , who has now scored four times in three games for Bath but has not yet started a game .
10 But in doing so I 'd be telling her that I knew that it had happened and therefore that Simon had talked to me .
11 My heart ached for her as I realised that she had joined the ranks of so many others I had known , who had watched their men fly off into the dusk , never to be heard of again .
12 Near the sea there is a little park which has open-air cafés in it and I decided that I would go along there and read your letter while I relaxed with a cup of coffee .
13 Bishop George West thought that we should stay , but Pop knew that he , at least , must return , and finally he and I decided that we should all return , mainly because a separation when you three were still so young — and needing parents and not grandparents to care for you — seemed not the right course .
14 I meant it when I said that I would do anything .
15 That sounds to me like the sort of liberal view which many of John 's contemporaries would have expressed at that age , under the influence of reformers like A. S. Neill — a comparison that occurred to me before I discovered that he had been meant to attend Neill 's school .
16 He had asked me whether I felt that I could ever be Prime Minister , and I had answered light-heartedly , ‘ No , because I do my sums with matchsticks ’ .
17 It came to me as I listened that I did n't want to be anywhere else in the world at that moment , that what I was feeling at that moment justified all I had been through , because all I had been through was my being there .
18 It came as a very pleasant surprise to me when I learned that you were in the habit of spending some time in this part of the world .
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