Example sentences of "[pron] [conj] be [adj] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 They have no right to stop you and are likely to co-operate the more you consult with them and keep them informed .
2 You are about to set out on an interesting and formative experience , something that is likely to have a major impact on your life .
3 But do n't mull over your responses , because your first , instinctive choice is the one that is likely to highlight the real you .
4 An effective team is one that is likely to have a range of roles present in its make-up .
5 ‘ They see themselves as being able to play the counter-attack , but we see ourselves as capable of beating anyone at Anfield . ’
6 What steps are reasonable in any particular case will obviously depend on the circumstances in which the policeman ( or the citizen ) finds himself , but these might include requiring trespassers to leave , requiring a speaker to move from his chosen spot , or to desist from speaking altogether , calling for quiet when noise seems likely to provoke a breach of the peace ; in short , anything that is necessary to prevent the breach from occurring .
7 Ford was unwilling to apply such sanctions as were available to him , and ‘ showed no proclivity for arm twisting , or for that matter for doing anything that was likely to incur the wrath or even displeasure of another . ’
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