Example sentences of "[pron] [prep] what he [verb] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 In the opinion of a senior civil servant of the day , Butler ‘ had a genuine desire for prison reform without any very clear concept himself of what he wanted to achieve ’ .
2 She ought to hate him for what he threatened to do , yet inside she felt a treacherous excitement at the fact that he wanted to keep her close .
3 But it reminded him of what he wanted to say .
4 To Sophie , the atmosphere of the zoo was absorbing , but what pleased her most was the way in which Robert was including her in what he had to do .
5 And she would have to leave whatever she was doing to sit in with him while he briefed her on what he intended to do , and why .
6 ‘ Did you have a — ? ’ good trip , Leith might have said , but as if thinking he 'd given them enough time to sort themselves out , Naylor was butting in , and positively flabbergasting her by what he chose to interrupt with !
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