Example sentences of "[pron] [prep] [art] [noun] of [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The first is problematic in the light of the theory that living organisms ‘ see ’ with their eyes ; the second was problematic for the supporters of Galileo 's theories because it clashed with the ‘ force of a vacuum ’ theory accepted by them as an explanation of why the mercury does not fall from a barometer tube ; the third was problematic for Roentgen because it was tacitly assumed at the time that no radiation or emanation of any kind existed that could penetrate the container of the photographic plates and darken them ; the fourth was problematic because it was incompatible with Newton 's theory .
2 We monitored them for a period of about twelve months before we reported to members on the outcome .
3 ‘ The important thing is to avoid the danger of talking ourselves into a sense of almost terminal gloom .
4 We found ourselves in the middle of nowhere .
5 But the smaller they are , the greater the probability within them of the sort of unacceptably crude proportionality that is furnished by the STV in Ireland and of consequent unfairness to all but the bigger parties .
6 His appearance , conjured up by the magic of Central Office , had a curiously calming effect , and it was not long before those who had been so rudely awakened by Tebbit 's demarche , to say nothing of the sight of so many Scottish rumps , were , once again safe in the arms of Morpheus .
7 This reminded me of the story of how Dame Janet allegedly tried to relocate the ducks which meet and mate annually on the landscaped patch in front of the Commons and atop its underground carpark .
8 De Gaulle was perceived and perceived himself as the incarnation of both revolution and restoration .
9 He began as a circus acrobat and gymnast with the Karno Trio ( from which he took his stage name in the 1880s ) , but , by the 1890s , he had developed his flair for low comedy , and established himself as an entrepreneur of often ‘ speechless ’ sketches .
10 Drinking off the last of the wine and moving on to the coffee he finally managed to confront himself with the question of why he had been so slow to begin .
11 Suffering badly — as usual — from boils ( he gave them all nicknames ) — ‘ it 's the badness coming out , ’ they would say — disenfranchised in the great educational paperchase , neither a macho miner nor a successful exception , he was a nobody in the middle of nowhere with no prospects .
12 Communication of data via computerised and electronic means is a relatively new mode of communications but one which in the space of about thirty years has revolutionised the way in which we use , store and transmit information and data .
13 He was a lot smaller then and he managed to squeeze himself through a cavity and found himself in a network of very small , narrow tunnels — far too small for most adults to enter .
14 In the closing minutes of the half Collins threw himself in the way of yet another Coyle attempt after dropping Marty McCaffrey 's free kick to keep his goal intact at the interval .
15 To explain the-timidity of these people , we need look no further than the example of Arthur Jensen , who , after devoting himself to the study of educationally significant individual differences , is declared by the press to be an advocate of segregated schooling for ‘ poor and black children ’ .
16 Ramsay , who found himself at the head of nearly a thousand men of Lothian , largely Lindsays — whose chief , Sir David , Keeper of Edinburgh Castle , was sick and so not present — Setons , Hepburns , Sinclairs , Keiths and other lesser clans , as well as his own men , offered to ride fast for the Borderland , to join Scott of Rankilburn whom Douglas had alerted to watch Dunbar ; together they would make up a force large enough to give that Earl pause .
17 The 36-year-old player-manager will play himself at the expense of either Steve McMahon or Rick Holden , both of whom cost £900,000 .
18 The silence stretched between them like a length of tightly pulled elastic , and in the silence Alyssia could feel the hammering of her heart like a physical pain .
19 The conference had nothing like the coverage of either the British Medical Association or Royal Institute of British Architects festivities , so its impact on the public at the time was negligible ; but it marked a significant turn in the Prince 's own farming methods , brought environmental concerns slowly into consumer consciousness and in the long term dealt a devastating blow to the agrochemical industry .
20 Even the early varieties developed in the time of Browning and Tennyson were nothing like the splendours of today , and one wonders what the genius of their poetic expressions would have made of the ethereal glow in the half light of ‘ Super Star ’ ( see page 129 ) , the exquisite shape and deepest of all crimson-black red of ‘ Charles Mallerin ’ or a hundred and one other modern marvels .
21 So that you 've got a vague idea of er what 's going to befall you for the rest of today ?
22 Leaning on a crutch , Mr Kurspahic , editor-in-chief of Oslobodenje ( Liberation ) , told editors and journalists at the awards lunch at London 's Savoy Hotel : ‘ Thank you for the feeling of not being alone in the world .
23 Bau-Bau , the island 's main town , revealed itself as a collection of neatly kept white stilt houses , nestling beneath jungled mist-shrouded hills .
24 The last five years have seen the DUP establish itself as the voice of about half of the unionist population .
25 And I want to remind you of the history of when amalgamations take place , because a number of people have touched on that very point this morning .
26 That is none of the business of either the Church or State .
27 The main advantages are : the bridge is fixed with the arm in the ‘ down ’ position ( perfect for playing country bends in tune , or for keeping strings in tune should you break one ) ; it 's impossible to strip the thread by screwing the arm in too tightly ; you can choose to load your strings through the block or just through the bridge ; and it feels good , like a light Stratocaster trem , with none of the fudginess of more complex units .
28 Then he would see the glitter transform itself into a body of fully armed horsemen thundering down to cut his army in half , just ahead of the three driving wedges .
29 The issue of Indian freedom thus resolved itself into the problem of how to fulfill the promise of independence in such a way that Britain 's position in the rest of Asia and in Africa was not weakened , but strengthened .
30 Fill it up with diesel , and it should reward you with a return of comfortably over miles per gallon on average .
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