Example sentences of "[pron] [prep] [art] [adj] [noun sg] at " in BNC.

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1 Which means that we talk to them about a reasonable rate at which they can pay their rent .
2 She told them about the disturbed girl at St Cecilia 's , the girl called Julie who performed feats of levitation , and about the girl who could read a page of a newspaper and remember it , and Enid who could hypnotize with a fountain-pen top .
3 Since then , I had managed to film them on their wintering grounds in India , but now I was seeing them for the first time at the other end of the journey .
4 The carrier would have agreed to carry them for the same price at the carrier 's risk .
5 She reminds me of a small animal at bay .
6 My companion put it to me that an initiative must now be taken , and reminded me of the unrecorded conversation at the time of my appointment .
7 They rushed out into Regent 's Park — out of earshot — and Simon told her , yes of course he was forcing her hand , it was blackmail : he did love her so , she was the right one for him and he 'd take her tomorrow on five hundred pounds , if someone would lend them to him , and he did rather fancy himself as a married man at twenty-one .
8 He stopped talking as Marshka entered and wheeled himself into the empty space at the table , at that end farthest , on the right-hand side , from the president .
9 There was persistent rumour ( probably close to the truth ) bandied about by the local gentry , that Anthony Foster had hidden himself with a paid labourer at Cumnor Place .
10 Surely , it will be said , it is necessary to draw a distinction between predicates which within a given context at a given time can be appropriately ascribed to a given existent , and those predicates which under the same conditions can not be meaningfully said that either they or their contradictories are true of the existent in question .
11 Brian Say , 44 , of Craigmuir Croft , Ythanbank , near Ellon , was charged with conducting himself in a disorderly manner at his home while in possession of a loaded shotgun between 15 and 17 February , repeatedly threatening to shoot himself and committing a breach of the peace .
12 Say , 44 , of Craigmuir Croft , Ythanbank , near Ellon , appeared from custody and admitted conducting himself in a disorderly manner at his home while in possession of a loaded shotgun between 15 and 17 February , repeatedly threatening to shoot himself and committing a breach of the peace .
13 The death at the weekend of Siho Iyiguven , who threw himself on a burning mattress at Harmondsworth detention centre , near Heathrow , was followed yesterday with further suicide threats by detainees who barricaded themselves into their dormitory .
14 So for the tourists to take 20 wickets was a feat worthy of note , particularly as they were without David Lawrence , their one bowler of genuine hostility , after he suffered a side strain while flogging himself on a lifeless strip at Napier a week before the Test .
15 All of them , all except the boy , who as a weekly boarder at his school was never at home midweek .
16 Crosby , who still has no guarantees of landing the job on a permanent basis even after guiding the club to the FA Cup Final , was concerned to see uncertainty show itself during the 2–0 defeat at Grimsby .
17 ‘ It takes itself for a little walk at night .
18 It creates power , it cocks your wrists to the swing plane , puts you into the same position at the top every time , and stretches the big muscles of the back .
19 The hotel to stay in is the Victoria , a handsome pile run by the genial Platzer family ; they send a minibus to fetch you from the little airport at Berne — one hour 's drive away — and Herr Platzer then shows you where to hire ski equipment ( roughly £24 a week ) and organise lessons .
20 The next time your having a trim it might be worth taking a closer look at the stylist snipping the curls around your ears and the junior getting you in a right lather at the backwash .
21 The programmes on the computers , also accessible to visitors to Pompeii itself in the small museum at Boscoreale , are the culmination of what is known as the Neapolis project .
22 The two hour drive from Zurich to Hinterzarten takes you over the Swiss/German border at Koblenz/Waldshut and the scenery is truly spectacular .
23 ‘ I 'll meet you at the National Gallery at ten o'clock . ’
24 In September , NVQs at Level Three will be introduced for trainee managers , providing them with a recognised qualification at the end of their JS training , and plans for extension of the scheme to other staff are in hand .
25 When thick low-placed chords occur in the left-hand part , rearrange them with a clear octave at the bottom of the chords .
26 She returned a few minutes later and somewhat grudgingly led me into a little room at the back .
27 Because FI , in the wake of Renault , was shifting towards the turbo engine and because McLaren was beginning to develop the TAG/ Porsche engine , 1982 was something of a transitional year at the team and both Niki and his team-mate John Watson suffered in the results table , Watson actually finishing ahead of Niki in the championship , the first time he had ever been upstaged within his own team .
28 We 've heard that avoiding stimulating in migration , particularly from the Leeds conurbation is an important consideration , are they conscious that the rest of regional policy is something of a black box at the moment .
29 I 'm not sure whether Ian has kept up with Markham — who had something of a dark reputation at one time . ’
30 ‘ The Hell Fire Club were something of a social embarrassment at the time .
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