Example sentences of "[pron] [prep] [noun] [prep] [det] day " in BNC.

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1 Mansell Mania … wo n't harm you in fact in these days of depression and recession … a record breaking world champion is a bit of a tonic … its good to have a Brit on top …
2 It was to escape boredom and the frustration of having no one to talk to all day but children .
3 He telephoned me at lunchtime on that day and by a fluke I had a cancellation , so I was able to see him almost immediately .
4 What about doctors in those days , did they give anybody advice about erm
5 But she had n't known anything about life in those days .
6 He could be but not the sort of merchant you 're thinking of there were lots of merchants in those days those merchants who build up places like they were Greek merchants , in fact they were called merchant venturers were n't they ?
7 That 's how it was for lots of families in those days .
8 And they called in the School Board man because lots of schools in those days were run by boards or erm governors I suppose they 'd call them today .
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