Example sentences of "[pron] [adj] [vb past] [adv] and [verb] " in BNC.

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1 When I first left home and lived on my own , I gorged myself on an endless round of late night parties and visits to newly-found friends which lasted until the early hours of the morning .
2 The defender said : ‘ When we lost 5-0 at Liverpool a couple of weeks ago we all got together and had a heart-to-heart .
3 The snow was beginning to turn to rain next morning and , although the ground was white right to the shores , we all went ashore and walked for several hours .
4 The night raids with a few sporadic bangs and our own guns , and twice a silver Zeppelin picked out by a search light , seemed fun — because we all came downstairs and stayed up late and were n't expected to be bright at school next morning .
5 We all sat together and waited , while the doctor stayed with his patient .
6 No doubt we both worked quickly and did n't keep our rhythm uniform .
7 Another April shower swept over them , a heavy one , so that they all gathered together and took shelter under an old yew .
8 It was 115 degrees , and the water melons began to pop , and the donkeys began to do what donkeys do , and it all mixed together and ran all over the parking lot .
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