Example sentences of "[pron] [adj] [coord] [noun] [conj] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Thank you all and goodbye and I 'd now like to thank hand over to Nicholas Hinton .
2 While there was no real social context to the biography of Dorian Gray , who entered a pact with an unseen devil to have his portrait carry the weight of his ageing and guilt while he maintained the freshness of youth and innocence , in this version the victims gather round like Banquo 's ghost , gazing at the decline which is merited and tangible .
3 I shall not go on being hard on the Labour party , because I think it natural and right that there should be different views on Europe .
4 ours is really cheap is it Aust is it Australian or Bulgarian or something .
5 He dreamed of it and of himself catching it ; imagining it lunging and threshing as he played it and tussled to land it .
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