Example sentences of "[pron] [adj] [noun pl] as [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 My own views as to the proper limits of jurisdictional control will be spelt out after a consideration of the case law .
2 ‘ With regard to the discretion of a judge as to costs , which is given by Order LXV , r. 1 , of the Rules of the Supreme Court , it is , I think , common practice for parties to make their own agreements as to the costs … and such agreements are perfectly valid and enforceable .
3 When such top growth can be persuaded to produce its own roots as with a cutting , the best you can expect is an indifferent plant and a poor root system .
4 Your sick parent must be mentally fit to make this decision of her own free will , and it does not rob her of the right to make her own decisions as to the spending of her money or her free access to it .
5 I am reminded of Barrie Davies , answering his own questions as to the whereabouts of the German defence in the 1988 Olympic hockey final : ‘ … and quite frankly , who cares ? ’
6 He documents the influence of the national Conservative Party through the London Municipal Society and suggests ‘ the reader may draw his own conclusions as to the degree to which the Conservative and Unionist party shares with the Labour and Liberal parties a responsibility for the decline of local politics ’ , and the ‘ nationalisation ’ of local political contests ( Young 1975:33 ) .
7 Such meteorites give us few clues as to the prevalence of life on other worlds ; however , members of a different class of meteorites — the carbonaceous chondritescontain organic chemicals , leading us to believe that the building blocks of life must be fairly commonplace .
8 Yet a paradox remains , for what we relate to in actual experience remains our interpretation of a presentational continuum coloured as much by our own senses as by the realities they perceive .
9 First , we must take care to be clear in our own minds as to the accuracy we require for our research .
10 Why do the powers that be refuse to supply dental dams on the same basis as condoms are supplied , so that we can make up our own minds as to the suitability or otherwise of the dams ?
11 When she flew into tempers , Nicholas would hand her letters , in one in which he quoted St Paul as saying ‘ Wives submit yourselves unto your own husbands as unto the Lord , for the husband is the head of the wife even as Christ is head of the Church . ' ’
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