Example sentences of "[pron] [adj] [noun pl] [conj] make [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Across the meadows he could see the flats of the council estate , the sun striking their plate-glass windows and making them blaze as if the whole place was on fire .
2 By the time I see her put on her high heels that make it worse though .
3 In fact there was no paradox , for it was the theoretical assumption that speech and writing were fulfilling the same functions and the inability to recognise their separate characters that made it possible to use one as the model for the other .
4 Banks entered this market in a big way in the early 1980s , after the abolition of the ‘ corset ’ scheme , which inhibited the growth of their interest-bearing deposits and made it difficult for them to lend large sums without incurring financial penalties imposed by the Bank of England .
5 If a school can tailor its in-house courses and make them relevant to the needs of the whole school staff , then the dynamics of that collective and shared experience may provide greater rewards .
6 The Right to Buy given to all Council tenants opposed by the Labour Party , has allowed one point two million Council homes to be sold to their existing tenants and make them home owners , and home ownership is a central plank of our policy .
7 In the period after 1986 , many of those guesses were in the form of leveraged buy-outs , the use of debt finance to buy a firm from its existing shareholders and to make it a private company .
8 The fullness around her forehead balanced her square chin and the waterfall of glossy brown hair softened her angular bones and made her look younger than usual .
9 The smoke was swirling around him , affecting his unprotected eyes and making him choke .
10 In these heady days , Gould 's greed surpassed even his own bounds and made him capable of an ungentlemanly lack of sportsmanship .
11 Garvey 's twisted his dreams and taken the pageant from him and turned the plays to his own ends and made him a party to this … this blasphemy !
12 He looked at her with his blue eyes that made you feel you were in the far distance and he was bringing you into focus gradually , like a ball magnetised to drop into his outstretched hand , be clasped by his fingers .
13 • Strengthen your daily time-cues and make them as reproducible from day to day as possible .
14 Sometimes the big girls bullied us little ones and made us hand over our teatime bread or evening biscuit .
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