Example sentences of "[pron] [adj] [noun sg] [vb pp] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I kept on waking up in a panic , thinking I had missed an observation , and it took quite some while to get my internal clock re-adjusted to normal waking and sleeping hours .
2 Some cakes will be particularly attractive to younger children — for instance the colourful clown , the sheep with its woolly coat made from fluffy frosting , or the large tortoise nibbling a piece of lettuce .
3 Oxford 's green fields are being overwhelmed and its historic character lost to luxury developments , while homelessness grows .
4 Its walls were of thick stone blocks and bulged and its low ceiling criss-crossed with smoke-blackened oak beams .
5 Tribal societies , city states , ancient empires , feudal societies , are all organized on some different principle , their political cohesion maintained by other kinds of bond .
6 It is not just the EC 's free market consumerism which the Greens detest ; they are opposed , too , to its political structure based on capitalist nation-states .
7 The hall was a largish square room , its flagged floor dotted with thin soft rugs , and every inch of burnished ancient wood caught the sunlight .
8 Ben-Ner ( 1984 : 248 ) , for example , cites , among explanations for the high incidence of liquidations of producer cooperatives , ‘ their inability to settle personal disputes , their lack of discipline in the absence of a central monitor [ and ] their low motivation caused by excessive egalitarianism ’ .
9 In its annual forecast released in early November the Asian Development Bank ( ADB ) predicted an upswing in economic growth in south-east Asia during 1993 , following a year of slower growth in 1992 .
10 The Reserve Bank of India ( the central bank ) , in its annual report published in early September , forecast that economic recovery would be weaker than expected .
11 Finally , because the British were so much further advanced than the French in nuclear matters , they naturally received more information from the Americans , thus reinforcing their preferential position compared with other allies .
12 On his head he wore a Ming-style summer hat , its inverted bowl lined with red fur and capped with a single ruby .
13 Its fine architecture decorated with giant banded pilasters have more than a hint of northern Mannerism in spite of the fact that they were finished as late as 1653 .
14 Its long black bonnet gleamed in the light of the passing street-lamps , and its powerful engine echoed through empty streets .
15 Once the heaviness dropped away her black hair formed into tight curls , and for the first time she looked almost pretty .
16 At least one large building is known beneath the church and its graveyard , incorporating a range of rooms along its eastern side floored by tessellated pavements , but its precise function remains uncertain .
17 The most impressive of the rhinos is the great Indian rhinoceros , with its tough skin thrown into heavy folds that look like curved , welded sections of sheet-metal .
18 With an effort , she made herself look with interest around his office , though it was really beautifully furnished and her initial pretence changed to frank admiration .
19 And like the muffled grinding of some small , expensive part of your motor which announces unhappiness in the bearings , your body can only make its inner unease known by strange and not easily intelligible signs .
20 A long wheel-based Lincoln lounged at the kerb outside San Francisco airport , its inner mystery guarded by tinted glass and a lady driver who smiled , ‘ Mr & Mrs Ives ? ’ and strode forward , forcefully relieving Kenneth of our luggage .
21 Patrick Greg Malkin was the centre of attention when Chris and his wife Christina had their first child Christened at Holy Name Church , Oxton , Birkenhead .
22 ‘ Angelina ! ’ shouted Oliver as he caught sight of her trim figure clad in pink cotton .
23 Since it is difficult to find independent evidence with which to test the interpretations of their own past offered by Greek historians , we can not know whether they were ‘ really ’ being exceptionally ‘ rational ’ and ‘ scientific ’ .
24 Second , coordinators as a group were acutely conscious of the way their own success depended in large part upon how they and the practices they were promoting were regarded by existing staff in the schools where they were placed .
25 We looked out over a bare open landscape , its thin grass patched with sandy stretches .
26 In the second place , possession is not merely evidence of ownership , but ( subject to the rights of the owner ) is itself and for its own sake entitled to legal protection .
27 Its attraction would seem to lie in the fact that it gives a formalized account of some of the popularly held impressions concerning the character of science , its explanatory and predictive power , its objectivity and its superior reliability compared with other forms of knowledge .
28 Jenny walked behind them , shimmering in green silk , her red hair adorned with tiny silk daisies .
29 In the present study we have examined extracts prepared from 44 colorectal tumours , and from ‘ normal ’ mucosa , with a range of antibodies which together allow us to identify progastrin , its C-terminal fragment produced by tryptic cleavage , a biosynthetic intermediate ( glycine extended gastrin ) , as well as biologically active ( amidated ) gastrins ( Fig 1 ) .
30 A part that occurs more than once in an assembly only has its new node shown at subsequent entries .
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