Example sentences of "[pron] [adj] [noun sg] [adv] [adv] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 This as far as this is my personal opinion as far as that claim is concerned , that that is totally and utterly valid .
2 He seems to have known enough about ordinary medicine — and perhaps still have had the contacts within the profession — to make sure that I got my inoculations and injections at the correct times in my life , despite my official non-existence as far as the National Health Service is concerned .
3 I 'd given the warden details of our itinerary , and the call got put straight through to my own room here just before we went for lunch .
4 I do this , and reel my other rod in so that if the carp does give one another chance there will be no other line to get in the way of my landing it .
5 Other animals avoid the difficulties of winter by reducing their metabolic rate even further and going into a state of torpor or hibernating .
6 In fact , the Princess of Wales — a woman Selina is often compared with — must wish she was able to keep the lid on her private life as tightly as Selina has .
7 By 1910 the equivalent unit in the Russian foreign ministry was scrutinising more than 150 Russian and foreign newspapers , while even the Ottoman empire had equipped its foreign ministry as early as 1869 with a rudimentary press office whose duties included monitoring the foreign-language papers published on Turkish soil .
8 Carol , who has learned to manage her meagre budget as carefully as any accountant , exemplifies the deeper problem of Easterhouse behind the unemployment , said to be 30 per cent , but much higher when the unemployed 16- to 18-year-olds , those on invalidity benefit and people who do not register for non-existent work are taken into account .
9 Carefully planning the cheapest air fares , allocating her meagre budget as sparingly as possible on food and accommodation , she travelled the world and took on the best .
10 The sovereign is under a constitutional duty to accept the advice of her ministers tendered through her chief minister so long as they command her confidence — so long , that is , as they command a majority in Parliament .
11 And then , walking behind her at a rather greater distance than might have been thought usual , came Linnet Gage in a dress that fell from her tiny waist as gracefully and naturally as a waterfall , each diaphanous tulle frill overlapping the other with perfect simplicity , her face as delicate and beautiful as rare porcelain , her blue eyes clouded by a dream of remote but tantalizing sweetness , which also touched the corners of her lips , raising them very slightly in a smile of which every man present must have wished to know the secret .
12 Even if the male is not ready to spawn and chases him away , She swims in this fashion while being pursued , and returns to her chosen mate as soon as possible .
13 Orlando , which is adapted from a novel by Virginia Woolf , is her biggest-budget movie so far and the subject of a Scotsman premiere at Edinburgh 's Cameo tonight .
14 The distinction here is between two very distinct schools of harpsichord-making ; a tradition carried on by native craftsmen who flourished during the first 25 years of the 18th century and an imported tradition initiated by Hermann Tabel that displaced its native rival as effectively as a cuckoo might take charge in a sparrow 's nest .
15 This suggests that the DNA structure relaxes back to its native form more slowly than the dissociation of the drug .
16 Even DEC may find that it may need to hang on to its V.3.2-level Ultrix rather longer than it intended : it says that so far about 500 of the 3,000 Ultrix applications are being converted for OSF/1 , which does n't sound like unbounded enthusiasm on the part of the industry .
17 In pharmaceuticals , firms can use the power of their technological oligopoly so blatantly that there has been a policy reaction by many governments .
18 It was suggested that the authorities tried to manipulate aggregate demand — primarily through fiscal policy — in order to achieve their desired combination of economic objectives but , because of the lags mentioned earlier , such policies exerted their full effect much later when economic conditions had changed as a result of the fluctuations in the business cycle .
19 Most researchers agree that the rise in greenhouse gases will reach the equivalent of doubling the carbon dioxide concentration from its pre-industrial value as early as the 2030s .
20 While the ARC places the emphasis I have described on the need to be fair , and to help firms to operate effectively within the new regime , it takes its regulatory role very seriously and the public interest is always paramount .
21 Although married women have won rights to benefit which are not affected by their marital status as directly as in the recent past , more women are being pushed beyond the reaches of the scheme altogether .
22 Margaret Irwin herself accepted that the lack of success was caused by " the apathy of the women themselves … the woman does not take her industrial work as seriously as a man … [ she ] does not regard it as the permanent occupation of her life " .37 Margaret Irwin 's views are not to be dismissed lightly , but it is worth noting that she herself did not approach the question with any blazing convictions about equal pay .
23 When Julia had washed and dried her hair , she borrowed a pair of old-fashioned curling tongs from Annunziata and curled the tips of her thick hair under so that it lay sleekly against her shoulders .
24 Legislation has a part to play in maintaining safety but individuals have a responsibility to control personal behaviour for their own benefit as well as for the survival and well-being of others .
25 They do not rate their own intelligence as highly as other groups .
26 Primarily because the foremen had to regulate their own department as far as er input and output was concerned .
27 The intermediate targets should be destinations in their own right so long as they offer a good starting point for the next stage .
28 The dinner , the talk , the songs , the enviable lovingness of George and Catherine would be a memory , happy , but cut off from her own life as clearly as the fell top was separated from the lake .
29 Damn this man and his ability to force her into probing her own psyche more deeply than she 'd perhaps ever done before .
30 ‘ No , ’ said Tessa , who sees things her own way as resolutely as any baby .
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