Example sentences of "[pron] [adj] [conj] [adj] at the " in BNC.

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1 Whatever he was , she found him charming and exasperating at the same time and no , she did n't think her relationship would last because you ca n't keep mercury in your hand , not for long .
2 She made him nervous and reckless at the same time .
3 Ken 's job in the library often leaves him tired and touchy at the end of a day .
4 But it still makes me bitter and angry at the waste , the terrible waste of all that love I had .
5 Although the book suggests my beavers should be aggressive , alas , try as I might , I ca n't get them to be anything less than overjoyed at the prospect of more delicious fish-eggs .
6 If the organ music swells this Christmas as we run down the lanes of childhood in search of sentiment or the values of yesterday , and if the early darkness on Christmas evening finds us replete and empty at the same time , maybe its because we have left the Josephs of this world alone in their silent day and all too silent night .
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