Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] only been [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It turned out that she lived in some place called Romford and as she was due to take me back there the day after the funeral I had only been left with a few hours to make a decision .
2 On the one hand , force has been required to subordinate it , and , on the other , it has always threatened to outbreed protestant loyalists , an outcome which has only been avoided by catholic — nationalist migration over the past seventy years .
3 A superb SWAN which has only been used for private cruising in the Med .
4 ABOVE The preparation of land for forestry can destroy even well-preserved archaeological sites , particularly on land which has only been used for pasture .
5 The construction of a large grammar represents a major problem in it 's own right which has only been attempted by well-funded projects .
6 The European Communities ( EC ) suspended a trade and co-operation agreement which had only been initialled on June 8 , and withdrew an invitation to Romania to attend a meeting of the G-24 nations in Paris in July .
7 Pennethorne incorporated this building , which had only been completed in 1832 , into his scheme by adding another storey and possibly linking it by an arch to the Foreign Office .
8 Jack Hassard , an NILP member of Dungannon Council , condemned the ban on the Market Square meeting , which had only been notified by the police at twelve o'clock the previous night .
9 Benjamin 's mother was lying paralysed in Shoreditch Workhouse even as the portrait was being executed , and he himself had only been saved from abject poverty after his father 's premature death by the generous good offices of his uncle , Samuel Hasted .
10 But you 've only been skiing for a short while .
11 ‘ But you 've only been talking to them for a little while ! ’ said Angalo .
12 She had only been daunted for a moment , however .
13 To all intents and purposes he was an attache with the Kenyan delegation at the United Nations and the only person outside UNACO who knew the truth was his wife , and even she had only been briefed in the vaguest possible terms .
14 Considering she 's only been sailing for a couple of days , she 's doing very well .
15 I believe she used to be so reluctant about marrying people because marriage is important to her , she 's only been waiting for the right one . ’
16 They 've only been elected to nineteen ninety two , so they 're , they 're really , what there doing there forcing people to take some action now , because at Kathy says , she 's afraid of being left out , if there should be a , another Tory Government , so a lot of people are in the same position , they will be putting in eh , I think they just call it best of interest , not a proper application , but then if the whole lot , hundreds of us come along , which is quite likely they will , the Government will say well this proves that everybody wants to become you see , so it 's rather clever move , erm , as , as far as I 'm concerned , what 's happening with that she is eh here within the hospital , the consultant 's and the worker 's in the hospital .
17 Sorry I ca n't really sort of say I must admit I could n't really see why they should be like that really cos I mean it is a bit puzzling cos if they 've only just done anything , they 've only been tampering with this finger so
18 I saw the evil light in his eyes and knew that so far they had only been playing with me : their real intent was to kill .
19 These problems appear to be real enough and to be indistinguishable from other problems but in fact they have only been created by ourselves .
20 Although they have only been trading for the last ten years , they continue the tradition of using a water powered mill which started in the 1800s .
21 A number of experiments on bone modification in soil have been initiated , but they have only been running for five years and so far there is no good evidence of any change .
22 So far , they have only been described from localities in the Netherlands and Germany but another example may be present in N.E. England ( Clark in press ) .
23 In fact , he has only been working as a professional for three years or so , and has had to learn his trade by trial and error .
24 Although he has only been rallying for one year he has already appeared on the BBC Top Gear championship series when viewers saw him win his grand touring class .
25 However , it has only been tested on one domain .
26 In the North Atlantic it has only been recorded from south of Martha 's Vineyard in 2509 m .
27 I think it genuinely irresponsible that someone with my theatrical track-record has written a play about this internationally known theatrical figure yet it has only been seen by a few people . ’
28 This is a very laborious and exacting technique and , to date , it has only been used with a few plants .
29 Although Abba is not restricted to any one medium , covering magnetic tape , VHS cassettes , optical disks and streamers , up till now , it has only been used in IBM Corp MVS mainframe and Siemens Nixdorf Informationssysteme AG BS2000 environments .
30 Although Abba is not restricted to any one medium , covering magnetic tape , VHS cassettes , optical disks and streamers , up till now , it has only been used in IBM Corp MVS mainframe and Siemens Nixdorf Informationssysteme AG BS2000 environments .
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