Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] what he has [verb] " in BNC.

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1 We acknowledge who we are in his sight , and we open ourselves to receive what he has to tell us .
2 His flesh is the modern flesh of the world-weary modern , the benumbed , faithless man who comprehends what he has lost , and prefers the sensations of torture to no sensation at all .
3 It was to meet cases of this kind that Equity invented the great remedies of specific performance and injunction : specific performance to compel a man actually to do what he has promised — to give you the land in return for the money , to pay you the purchase money in return for the land ; injunction to forbid him to do what he has promised not to do or what he has no right to do — to forbid him to open the public house or the music-school , to forbid him to build so as to block up your light , even to compel him to pull down the objectionable wall ; the last sort of injunction is called mandatory .
4 I am sure they recognise what he has achieved since he left .
5 But as they analyse what he has said to different people , they begin to see that the question is not really pertinent .
6 And in order for this to be possible , he must be able also to show that he understands what he has learned .
7 Until , that is , he realises what he has done , and feels cross with himself for walking into an emotional trap of his own unconscious devising .
8 If he gets what he has asked for , then the promise is given for consideration unless there is some vitiating factor .
9 I said to the Leader of the Opposition that ’ jerk ’ is not on the list of unparliamentary expressions but , bearing in mind the nature of this debate , it would help the House if he refined what he has said in the interests of good order .
10 So he did what he has become accustomed to doing — gave the last rites .
11 He does what he has to do in situations of moral dilemma , though he knows it to be wrong , because to act differently would have been wrong also though not in the same way .
12 You may also need to supervise the patient , in case he forgets what he has to do and leaves the gas on without lighting it , for example , or without putting the pan of food on the cooker .
13 Only then will he say what he has to say .
14 Their assumption that ‘ he knows what he has done wrong ’ is based on the fact that Rover is slinking along the floor with its head and tail down looking for all the world like a naughty school boy who 's just broken the headmaster 's window .
15 Let us consider what he has achieved , for example , for my farmers in the less-favoured areas .
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