Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] would [be] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 When it came to the interview he was somewhat nervous and on the defensive ( not being an old hand at it ) , and while I did my best to make him feel at ease , I felt it incumbent to put questions about the Roman Catholic Church 's teachings on divorce , homosexuality , abortion , celibacy , etc. , the answers to which I believed would be of interest to Catholics and non-Catholics alike .
2 Obviously much of what you do is restricted , but come and give us a talk on anything unrestricted that you think would be of interest .
3 If you have any old photographs which you think would be of interest to readers please contact Philip Winterbottom , Assistant Manager , Archives , at ( ) .
4 Incidentally , if you have any items which you think would be of interest to the Residents , your scribe would be happy to include them in the Newsletter .
5 The files they carried would be for show and had no importance .
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